Friday, May 29, 2020

Things I Like - May

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!

I didn't need a new hoodie and as thoughtful as I try to be in my clothing choices, sometimes I buy things I don't need.  It seemed springy and so I put it on my shopping list to help me justify it.  I had ordered a couple options and this was the winner.  I wore it a couple times a week before it got hot and will probably be wearing it more as we have the occasional chillier day through the summer.  The color is officially orange but I see it as more of a coral.  And it might clash with my auburn hair but since I mostly see it when I'm looking down and not also seeing my hair at the same time, I really don't care if it clashes (judge for yourself).  I have really enjoyed this hoodie this quarantine. 

I use washi tape mostly for labeling things in the fridge and pantry.  Like blocks of cheese that I grate and then freeze (as if I won't be able to tell they are all cheddar because that's 90% of the cheese we consume) or drink mixes in Mason jars in the fridge (dates are VERY helpful on those).  I have actually been running low but I'm not sure how flamingo washi tape helps with that need.  HOWEVER, it's super cute and I'm going to find uses for it, even if I'm going to have to buy different washi tape for my labeling needs (the middle pink one should work for that).  It's quarantine and I was picking up an order at Target anyways.  Sometimes we just need little things that make us happy!

Until recently, our only stapler at home had been one I got for high school graduation as part of a "college school supply box" someone gave me (one of my sisters??).  That stapler disappeared during quarantine (I suspect a 7 year old who used it frequently for the books he writes) and is very likely in our house somewhere (unless I should be blaming a 2 year old who likes to randomly throw non-trash items away, in which case, it's not in our house anymore).  I had some packets of school papers I wanted to combine without a paperclip so I gave in (to my own urges) and bought this staple-less stapler.  It's easy and Luke finds it very exciting.  I really like that I should be removing few staples before shredding, a task I very much dislike (although most of the staples I am removing aren't staples I put in in the first place).  This has been useful already and hopefully it doesn't disappear like the last one!
I did some serious (online) stalking of these sandals last summer, waiting for them to go on sale and then, once they did, waiting for them to be back in stock.  I never got them so I was excited when I saw them again this year. I think they are adorable and am so excited to wear them more, when we maybe start leaving our house more (maybe).  AND, I even got them on sale. 

5) Dude Perfect: Backstage Pass
Matt and Luke really like Dude Perfect, sometimes they watch a few of their videos in the evening but even I got suckered into the documentary (we might have very low entertainment standards with quarantine).  Dude Perfect is 5 guys who do a lot of sports/goofing off/funny YouTube videos that, from what I've seen, are kid friendly (unless your kid starts copying some of their antics).  They have over 10 BILLION (with a b, billion) views on their videos and yet I don't know anyone else who even knows who they are.  I think they've been doing the YouTube thing for about 10 years and I was interested to see how people, adults (all married, most have kids), become YouTube stars.  I found it fascinating and Luke is now asking when he can go see their tour.  Weird if this is one of the most compelling things I've watched during quarantine?  Also weird if I teared up (it was a part about sick kids!)?  Life is weird right now anyways.

What have YOU been liking lately??

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