Thursday, May 25, 2023

Things I Like - May 2023

I always enjoy hearing what works for other people and I like sharing things I like, it's part of the reason I have a blog.  I've been doing these monthly posts for 10 years and they also provide a nice little snapshot in my life at a moment in time! See more here!  Some affiliate links may be included!


1) Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen
After many years of hearing the advice, I am finally a sunscreen every day person.  At least on my face.  I started on Easter Monday, I have no idea why that day, and have stuck with it since.  I layer it after morning moisturizer and before primer and foundation (although this sunscreen is a similar texture to primer so maybe I should try skipping that step?).  I haven't burnt my face yet this year (just the part in my hair!) and I like it think it's helping push off any more wrinkles for a bit!  It doesn't feel heavy or leave a weird sheen like the sunscreen we use before playing at the beach or something.  It's barely noticeable but seems to do it's job!

2) Target dark chocolate truffles
I had quite a dark chocolate stash in the freezer between Christmas and Valentine's Day and just finally got to eating these.  And they are fantastic.  I usually had trouble waiting for them to thaw a bit from the freezer, I would recommend waiting a bit so they aren't rock hard, but they are delicious.  Very chocolate and rich.  I'm sad my one bag is gone, rather quickly...

3) "Stories Delight Us" Tee
I had looked at buying merch from The Bookshelf (my indie bookstore of choice, even many states away) many times but there was never anything that really grabbed me.  Then I saw these new shirts in a nearly perfect shade of blue and bought one the day they were released (as well as a book).  I have worn it A LOT in the weeks since I've gotten it.  A LOT A LOT.  It's merch without being MERCH and stories DO delight me!  

4) Shining Light Easter Morning playset
These were released last summer and I immediately bought 4 of them, 3 for godchildren and another for our boys.  We didn't get to use it until a few weeks ago on Easter but I loved having it sit out for most of the Easter season, even though Sam liked to keep putting Jesus back in the tomb (he does know better, just ornery).  We have multiple nativity sets and it's nice to have something similar for Easter, especially a kid friendly one!

5) Lego Lady Liberty
This was a Mother's Day present from the boys that was a delight to put together, very quick but it is cute.  We are definitely running into a "too many Legos to display" problem but, for now, this is on a shelf of green books in my office.  It fits!

What have YOU been liking lately?

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