Thursday, May 18, 2023

Day in the Life #14 (Luke 10, Sam 5)

It's been a minute (2+ years) since I did one of these!  BUT, with my stay-at-home Mom life maybe drawing to a close soon (I don't even have the words or ability to process this), I figure I needed to document one last day of having a kid home during the school day with me.  With Sam starting kindergarten in the fall and no babies on the horizon, my stay-at-home morning looks to soon be limited to school breaks and after school.  Which is still different from working full or nearly full time BUT not the same as having a kid at home with me all day!  So, one last day in the life post, as a stay at home Mom:

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Thursday, May 11th
5:30am - I get up with Matt, clear out the dish drainer (I don't know why I do this at 5:30am and not like, 8am), talk to Matt, find the form we need to take to the eye doctor later in the day.

5:45am - read my devotional and then a novel.  Been trying to finish this one for a day or two!  

6:35am - do a workout while listening to podcasts.  I usually read longer than I should which pushes my workout shorter than I would like...but not as much as I'd like to keep reading. 

6:55am - boys are awake (they've been doing much better with getting up with their alarms!) and talk to them for a few minutes before I jump in the shower.  Get around, get out the door.  I have coordinated a shoe collection at school this week and haul a garbage bag of shoes from a SIL to school for Luke to take in, even though they will be coming back home with all other collected shoes the following day.

8:05am - home from school and I have breakfast (besides the toaster waffle I ate on the way to school) and Sam has his second breakfast for the day.  Finish cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast and the rush out the door.

8:40am - first round of Monopoly Deal for the day.  We play this A LOT.  A LOT.  Also read Sam books.

10:50am - I do some cleaning.  This was our only full day home this week so I stacked the cleaning a bit to make our busier days go a little easier.

11:15am - The following week at school (this week, as I post) I have coordinated a crayon collection so I prep the boxes for those.  It involves switching around some storage tubs from our garage sale bins to find a couple that will work.  Also box up a bunch of books and DVDs for Half Priced Books (made $12.93 the following day for a tub so full I could barely lift it). 11:30am - Sam does a coloring page while I finish my book on the porch.  The window between the house and the porch is open and Sam asks me about every 45 seconds if I am done yet.  (It maybe took me 20 minutes).  Then I color the signs my sister had designed for me for the crayon collection.  Of course, colored with crayons (Sam prefers colored pencils for his coloring.)

12:40pm - We have a quick lunch, shoving PB sandwiches in while rushing around the house.  School has extra early dismissal today for some teacher meetings so we have to be out of the house much earlier than usual.  Drive to a block away from school to park.  Walk up to get Luke and talked with sister for a minute. Then back to the car.

1:30pm - Eye doctor appointments for both boys.  Indiana requires eye checks before kindergarten (Sam) and Luke wears glasses that need updated lens every year.  Knock both of those out together.  Sam was VERY excited about this and so delighted he knew all the letters in the chart.

2:15pm - Drive across town to one of the local greenhouses I buy flowers at.  Stock the cart with much more than we'll actually be able to keep alive all summer.  Sam is especially enthusiastic about adding plants to the cart. 

3:00pm - Home and unload all the flowers.  All that driving in the heat was exhausting and I take a minute to just lay on the floor in the house.  WORN OUT.  Get through Luke's lunch box and taking care of his backpack.  Luckily NO HOMEWORK.

4:30pm - head to the zoo to meet Matt after work.  Sam & I have gone a few times but Luke & Matt hadn't yet.  Boys pick Africa so we walk through there and the main zoo.  I try to have some conversations with Matt but that is challenging.  It is hot but nice to be outside and do something fun on a school night!

6:00pm - We stay until closing and then split up and drive straight to the sno-cone place.  It was around 80° this day and I spent too much time in the car to not be sweaty.  We get our first sno-cones of the year although a certain child is very hangry and also just mad we bought 2 and split them (we've been taking our own extra cups, napkins, spoons, and straws for awhile). 

6:45pm  - HOME.  Make something easy for supper - corn dogs, chicken fries, and finishing a bag of mozzarella sticks.  Certain child is happier with food in his belly.  Get Luke to pack his lunch and swiffer the downstairs floors (his Thursday chore) and then get Sam through the shower. 

7:45pm - Sam is in bed first.  After Luke showers I read to him from our current chapter book.  Then take him up to bed.  Do some end of the day straightening up around the house.

9:00pm - I check Instagram for 15 minutes and then sit and read a new book for a solid 40. Work on a puzzle for a bit, talk with Matt, and then head up to bed to read some more. 

11:30pm - A MUCH later lights out than usual since Matt is off the following day.  I won't be getting up at 5:30am this time!  It was a busy and HOT day but that's how May can be!

And that's it!  Doing one of these in the fall may look VERY different. (I haven't cried at all writing this post which is a big accomplishment over a few weeks ago!).  I'm so SO glad I have this, bit sporadic, log covering nearly my 10 years at home with the boys! 

Day in the Life 1 - November 2013 (Luke 7½ months)
Day in the Life 2 - June 2014 (Luke 14 months)
Day in the Life 3 - November 2014 (Luke 20 months)
Day in the Life 4 - January 2016 (Luke 2 ¾)
Day in the Life 5 - July 2016 (Luke 3 ¼)
Day in the Life 6 - January 2017 (Luke 3¾)
Day in the Life 7 - October 2017 (Luke 4½)
Day in the Life 8 - April 2018 (Luke 5, Sam 2 months)
Day in the Life 9 - November 2018 (Luke 5½, Sam 8 months)
Day in the Life 10 - May 2019 (Luke 6, Sam 14 months)
Day in the Life 11 - November 2019 (Luke 6½, Sam 1½)
Day in the Life 12 - May 2020 (Luke 7, Sam 2)
Day in the Life 13 - February 2021 (Luke 7½, Sam 3½)

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