Monday, December 30, 2024

{10} Favorite Discoveries of 2024

My blogging has really fallen off in the latter part of 2024 but this is one post I've really had on my mind for many weeks.  It's fun to think back on the things that are now a part of our lives that weren't a year ago!  

1) Get Healthy U TV
This is the workout program I have been using for all of 2024, after paying about $6 for it in January.  There is such a variety of workouts and I could always find one to try (although I have honed in on a few favorites).  I tried barre, HIIT, I really like tabata workouts.  Partway through the year I upped my dumbbells from 5lbs to 8lbs and now I'm eyeing 10s.  I definitely fell off working out a bit in December, those three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were ROUGH, but over break I've been more consistent and can tell a difference.  I am, usually, a happier person for having done a good workout in the morning.  Highly recommend, especially for $6 for a year.  I've renewed for 2025 (for more than $6).

2) Dying Clothes
I had tie-dyed before, in 2022 we did family shirts we still wear on our family trips, but never fulled dyed anything.  Then 3 days before our niece's wedding I decided to FINALLY dye the dress I had been wearing but wanted it darker.  And dying wasn't as terrible as I thought! And I did it!  Then a few weeks ago I dyed a sweatshirt that wasn't quite a color I'd prefer, that time having to boil it on the stove because it was part polyester.  Getting the colors right on something that's not white is a bit of a crap shoot but I've still been happy with my two results and I feel empowered trying something new! 

3) Family Game Time
This doesn't always happen but I really aim that we play at least one game all as a family at some point in the weekend.  The boys don't love when this takes the place of screen time but usually, once we get going, they are ok with it.  There have been moments of real bliss this year when we are all playing some game together and everyone is (however briefly) happy.  Especially if it's a game from my childhood that I have since taught to them.  We've fallen off this a bit with the craziness that was December but did get two new games for Christmas that have been fun so hopefully we'll get back to it when life settles down a bit.  Also, now that Matt is done frantically writing his final 450 page paper.

4) Exploding Kittens
One of my goals for 2024 was to play work a new game into our repertoire every month.  We weren't consistent on the every month but, spoiler alert, did get 12 done before the end of the year.  This is one that we've played the most often, partially because we finally learned how to play correctly (or just finally watched the instructional video linked in the box).  And it's one we can all play pretty evenly but also relies a good bit on the luck of the draw.  

5) TekGear Running Shorts
I bought these in fall 2023 but didn't wear them until summer 2024 and they have been fantastic.  I literally wore the same pair of shorts to run for nearly 10 years.  Every time I ran in shorts, I wore those shorts.  THEN...I bought a pair of these which have zippered pockets and I rarely went back to my old pair (without pockets).  I now own these in 3 colors.  I can put my keys in one pocket and an extra tissue in the other (I ALWAYS run with tissues, no matter how runny my nose is when I'm standing still).  (I have blue crayon, black, and a green not on the site right now.)

6) Canned Margaritas
To offset the workout and running shorts, we discovered these canned margaritas this year and they are DELICIOUS.  I got paid for helping a family member with taxes in a Kroger gift card and so spend a good portion of the first one on ice cream and alcohol.  Really, not a bad way to be paid.  We haven't always had these in the fridge but we do right now and I'm always happy to crack one open.  I can make a margarita...but these are easier.

7) Eyeshadow Primer
This is such a small item but it has made a big difference on my face this year.  I had an eye shadow primer for many years but it didn't work super great and I went looking for something that could make eye shadow and eye liner STICK and that didn't make my skin allergies flare.  And this worked exactly for that.  I swear, it's like glue for eye make-up, it rarely smudges after all day wear (crying excluded) but I can still get it off easily at night with coconut oil.  Works 100% for what I needed it for.

8) School sports
Previous to this year Luke had done cross country and wrestling, both kinda through school but also combined with other local (mostly) Catholic schools.  And those were largely good experiences, especially cross country which is a favorite of the whole family.  But then this spring he decided he wanted to play soccer and he did basketball in November and December, both through school, specifically with his classmates.  He had no real experience with either sport but just being on a team with kids and families we already knew was fun!  And getting to wear his own school's name!  Both were mostly good experiences and something different from what we had had with wrestling and cross country. 

9) Sneakers    
I have had a lot of thoughts about the jean trends lately and have only slightly branched out from my beloved skinnies BUT I do feel a little more up to date with updating my shoes.  I've accumulated a few pairs of sneakers to wear with my skinny jeans (not in the rain or mud or cold) and it makes me feel slightly more modern but also not drowning in denim.  

10) We will survive
Matt spent this whole year in school.  From January 8th until December 27th, with a few semester breaks in there.  It was a SLOG and it still feels rather surreal that he is done (until boards later next year).  Getting through this year felt impossible in January and I'm sure I'll talk more about it when I recap the year but actually making it to the end of his program feels like such an accomplishment for the whole family.  Now he's never ever going back to school.  Ever.  Like forever.  

We knew for awhile that this was going to be a tough year to get through but looking just over this list made me remember that there was still plenty of good things despite all the stress.  It's exciting to think about what can change in the course of a year!!

What have YOU discovered this year??

{10} Favorite Discoveries of 2023
{10} Favorite Discoveries of 2022

{10} Favorite Discoveries of 2021
{10} Favorite Discoveries of 2020