Sunday, February 19, 2012

Piles of paperwork

Yesterday we started on our adoption paperwork.  Got some of the easy ones out of the way - names, birth dates, signatures.  We both have to work on our "family information guide" but that's the biggest one we have left besides the autobiography.  That has 46 (I counted) topics we are supposed to include.  This is looking to be at least a 10 page paper.  That one's intense.  We also need to start pulling some documents from our files:
-marriage license
-birth certificates
-proof of health insurance
-proof of life insurance
-proof of auto insurance
-copy of 1st two pages of 1040
-copy of driver licenses

We need to get employment verifications, a pastor's recommendation, and at least 4 references.  We have forms to be notarized.  We have to get finger printed, a health exam, and 2 different background checks.  We have to take online parenting classes.  Anyone who says this is the easy way....

I'm glad we've started on the paperwork, my "to scan and return" file had quite a few finished forms.  A few of the others are mostly done.  Really the worst part left is the autobiography.  I never thought writing about myself would be so overwhelming.

Countdown to telling people...2 weeks.