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Winter has been a bit brutal here, at least the last 2 weeks. Yesterday's forecasted HIGH was -8° (school was, thankfully, canceled) with a barely above 0° high today. It's been cold, snowy, icy, and fantastic weather for never leaving the house, except we usually have to leave the house (school can't be canceled EVERY day).
On the bright side, we are about halfway through the winter season and while spring still feels FOREVER away but it is coming. Maybe we'll get one of those magical March's where it is 70° almost every day (like March 2012, that was a lovely month).
Here are a few things that are saving me right now and helping me get through the rest of this bitterly cold and snowy winter.
1) Sorrel "Moonboots"
First off, I know these are a bit ridiculous but they are also ridiculously WARM and when it's 0° outside, that's all I care about. I've had mine for about 10 years and they have definitely been worth the money. I've been wearing them for all school runs and the rare times I shovel. They keep my feet warm, I have no problems walking in snow, and make me feel sturdier on ice. (These seem to be the updated version.) Some winters I've hardly worn them but they've been out A LOT this January.
2) Mousercise
My parents had (probably still have) this on record and my sisters and I used to listen and make-up dances to the whole record regularly as kids. Now, I have it on my phone and when Luke and I are butting heads after school or he just needs to burn some energy indoors because WINTER outdoors, we turn this on and it turns moods around. It's about 7 minutes long and basic exercises we do together. It's a great mood booster even if it's not a big calorie burner.
3) Target Order Pick-Up
I just mentioned this last week but it bares repeating. I LOVE this curb side pick-up thing. It saves on shipping materials, costs no extra, and saves me a trip inside Target. I love Target but I also know it's a time suck and I spend less if I don't go in the store. For example: Luke needs Valentine's to hand out at school. I didn't want to spend 30 minutes having him pick them out at the store while he also got really distracted by the toy aisle. We spent 3 minutes on the app, he picked them out, I ordered those with a few other things and we picked up at Target later that day, no kids had to get out of the car and I got away with only spending $12. It's a win for everyone. Except maybe Target because they get less of my money and also the employee who has to come outside in the cold. But, really, Target gets enough of my money.
4) Cougar Town season 6
I've long claimed Cougar Town as one of my favorite tv shows (top 5, for sure) but when they moved the show off ABC to TBS I had trouble getting access to watch it. This season aired 4 years ago but I hadn't seen it until "Matt" gave me the episodes for my birthday (6 months ago) and I finally bought them from Amazon at the end of December. It has been delightful to have new episodes to watch and remember how much I enjoy the whole show. (It was on my very first "things I like" post!) It's basically Friends, but slightly older, set in Florida, and with wine instead of coffee. It brings me joy.
5) Reading
DUH. I do so much comfort rereading in
December that it's always nice to get back to my TBR come January. I
love reading organizing or habit formation books this time of year and I
always appreciate a good novel (currently reading this). I might not often get to snuggle up with a good book when it's cold and snowing outside (reason: two kids) but I still like the idea of it. Reading is always saving my sanity, a little bit.
6) Having a Paper Planner
I haven't had a paper planner since college, needing to keep track of assignments then, because my life never seems that busy. My calendar is kept pretty open for good reason. It's not like I have a lot of moving parts to my day that needs scheduled. But I've been following Emily Ley for years, since reading her first book, and I got a little sucked in. I wasn't sure I needed one but it was pretty and "Matt" got it for me for Christmas (we don't so ALL our own shopping, I promise). I don't need a planner for the scheduling but I have LOVED it for keeping track of to-dos, mostly computer related ones or just things I need to remember to do. I plan to do a full review once I have used it a little more but for now it's really helping clear my head a little bit.
7) Purging Stuff
One of my favorite things about the start of a new year is how motivated I am to get rid of excess STUFF. There is always extra stuff, especially after the holidays, and finding those extra things and then getting them out of the house is very exciting for me. I'm working through a whole house purge, have already dropped off 4 giant bags to the donation center with more on their way over the next couple weeks. Not only do I have more space in my cupboards and drawers but I feel lighter in my head. It's freeing to realize you don't need so much and to learn what things I need to just stop buying. I find it a very fun exercise all around!
What is saving your life right now and helping you through winter?
Winter 2018 List
Winter 2017 List