Friday, March 1, 2019

Looking Back at February

The shortest month of the year but a lot happened!  Luke's school closed 3 days for snow and/or ice.  Matt and I got a new godson.  We also have a new great-niece (that makes us sound old).  Luke did a wrestling camp.  And Sam is inching SO CLOSE to his 1st birthday!  March is a big month with both boys having birthdays and Luke's spring break starting.  I am fairly optimistic for some spring weather coming!

Looking back:
1 year ago: State of the Adoption - year 6 (less than a month before we got Sam)

2 years ago: The Adoption Question I Wish We'd be Asked
3 years ago: DIY Growth Chart
4 years ago: Attacking the Problem Areas: Painting the craft/office cupboard (finally)

5 years ago: Kool-Aid Cookies
6 years ago: Adoption FAQ: Saying the Right Thing
7 years ago: Piles of Paperwork

1) February is solidly in winter so...a lot of snow and ice here.
2) Still more snow.
3) Sunset through the snowy tree.
4) Hey, more snow.
5) Then a day warm enough for me NOT to wear my crazy amount of winter layers...but still a lot of ice and snow melting.
6) Sunrise after school drop-off!  I LOVE that we leave the house in the daylight!
7) Tea, daily.
8) Icy branches.
9) More ice
10) Ice covered tree, SO WEIRD walking outside to take these because everything was melting and crunchy and so pretty.
11) Ice
12) My son SO HELPFULLY left his snow glove outside to get frozen to the ground.
13) Backyard sunset
14) Valentine tulips!
15) Sunrise at my parents'!
16) February does have good sunsets.

Books finished: 14

Miles ran: 0.00, hopefully I can improve upon this in March!  I haven't run since October, the longest I've gone with healthy/healed feet in years!

Currently watching: I'm catching up on Grey's Anatomy season 15 and getting SO CLOSE, after being behind for a year.
Most read post this month:
{17} Books for a Fresh Start to a New Year
Luke's current favorite song:
Awesome God by Rich Mullins.  We used to listen to Everything is Awesome on the way to school but now he wants this one every day.  It's pretty awesome.