Friday, April 26, 2019

Things I Like - April

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!

I always am a little shocked when it's time to write this post again.  Even though I've written almost 100 of them and they almost always go up on the last Friday of the month.  It's also a little hard to write when we've just had Easter since we give up discretionary spending every Lent and, therefore, aren't buying a whole bunch of optional things!  (Although I have featured food items here more than once.)  So three of these are from the library (even though I JUST wrote a post yesterday about how we haven't been watching much tv this year either) and another was a pretty valid necessity that was bought during Lent!

1) Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again
Something about the start of the new year made me want to get a lot of things checked off my to-do list, even if that was just movies I had been wanting to see.  This was one of those.  I know the plot of the original Mamma Mia movie is a little ridiculous but it is also a really fun, light movie so I knew I was going to want to see the second.  Again, the plot is a little ridiculous but the setting is GORGEOUS and the songs are fun and the whole thing was just delightful.  I watched most of this while attempting to pack away Christmas decorations and I kept pausing my packing to just watch the movie.  And then watched most of the special features.  Just a delight.

2) The Greatest Showman 
I was leery about this one when I first saw a trailer but then kept hearing good things about it.  I am a sucker for a good musical and this was that.  Apparently not super fact based but, again, it was just a lot of fun.  I love pretty much any group singing/dancing scene and for a few weeks I was rotating listening to pretty much just the soundtrack and the new Backstreet Boys album, which is pretty high praise coming from me.  Definitely worth checking out if you enjoy musicals.

3) Crazy Rich Asians
I don't just watch musicals but also do appreciate a good movie based on a book, even if it's not a book I was crazy about (like with this one, which I read years ago).  These people really are crazy rich and the opulence in the movie is astounding.  It was an enjoyable rom-com with pretty likeable leads.  The fashion and sets were amazing and even made me reconsider picking up the book and giving it a second shot.  Or I'll just enjoy the movie (more likely).
4) Magnetic Cabinet Locks
These were bought during Lent and were definitely necessary!  A certain adorable someone had become VERY interested in the kitchen cabinets and when he got too close to the (very sharp) pizza cutter it was time to start locking those up.  Matt had told me months ago that he hated the cabinet locks we had gotten when Luke was little and so when I saw these on a blog I thought they might work.  The unlock with a magnet and were pretty easy to install.  I might have rolled my eyes every time I went to grab dish soap in the first week but then then remembered I needed the magnet to open the cabinet...but now we are getting in the habit of grabbing the magnet first.  So now things are more secure, Sam is safer, and I am picking up scattered plasticware all over the kitchen floor fewer times a day! 
BEFORE the cabinet locks

5) SpaLife ph Balancing face mask
I know, people have been all about the face masks for awhile, I even wrote about a clay one years ago (that I still use, when I remember).  I think I had a couple sitting in the bathroom cabinet before I finally did one and it felt good!  It wasn't fun trying to keep it balanced on my face while also supervising a baby bathtime (would not recommend) but my face did feel softer afterwards.  Now I may have a few more sitting in the bathroom cabinet and I keep intending to alternate between one of these and the clay mask every Sunday...a habit I have yet to start.  BUT for just a couple bucks they are a nice indulgence.

What have YOU been liking lately?