Friday, December 27, 2019

Books Luke (6¾) and Sam (1¾) Like

It's almost the end of the month (year, decade) so it's time to share a couple books Luke has been liking lately.  I've decided it's about time I start including Sam's current favorites in these posts too because he has gotten pretty particular (and demanding) about which books are read to him lately and definitely has some favorites.  I like sharing the books I've read (and liked) dozens of times but also it's a nice way to look back and see which books my boys have liked at different stages.  Often memories come flooding back because when the like a book and I like a book...I end up reading it A LOT before I need a break and it gets returned!  So here are 5 of Luke's recent favorites and 5 of Sam's recent favorites!
{5} Books Luke Likes - 6¾
1) Dasher by Matt Tavares
We've read mostly Christmas books lately but I didn't want this list to be all that.  But, also, this was a STRONG favorite for Luke this year and I only got away with returning it once Christmas was over.  He really liked this one.  It's a story of how the classic 8 reindeer came to help Santa with his sleigh every Christmas Eve, starting with Dasher, who had just had enough of being part of a circus and dreamed of returning to the North Pole, where her parents were from and she had heard countless stories about.   I have it on my list to buy before next Christmas!

2) Last Stop on the Reindeer Express by Maudie Powell-Tuck, illustrated by Karl James Mountford
I know, I am limiting it to just TWO Christmas books.  This was another recent favorite and reread.  A young girl just wants to get her Christmas card to her Grandpa who lives too far away for the regular mail to get it there in time.  But then she stumbles upon a magic Reindeer delivery service that will help her out.  The illustrations and cutouts in this one were just so charming.  It did feel a little magical.

3) Madeline Finn and the Library Dog by Lisa Papp
Madeline Finn has some trouble reading in her class at school but then she goes to the library and discovers that they have library dogs there!  Dogs she can read to, that won't make her feel awkward or embarrassed if she messes up a word.  Luke is much more of an animal person than I am and he LOVED the idea of reading to dogs, something that would terrify me even more.  Our library used to have this program too, I need to see if they will again (so Matt can take him, I don't want anything to do with dogs).

4) Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library! by Don Freeman
This is a picture book I had read in my childhood that I had forgotten all about until my sister marked it as read on Goodreads.  I was delighted to revisit the story of a young girl who imagines what would happen if she was a librarian for a day and let all the animals come in to read.  It has strong nostalgia factor for me but Luke was taken with it too, really, he just likes the idea of animals at the library.

5) Crossing Niagara: The Death-Defying Tightrope Adventures of the Great Blondin by Matt Tavares
Luke always likes these stories of real life people who did crazy/amazing things, even if it was years before he was born.  This one of a man who crossed Niagara Falls multiple times on tightrope, each time making it harder than the time before.  I had to explain Niagara Falls but he did have a little knowledge of tightropes at least.  I've learned about so many fascinating people through the picture books I've read to Luke!

 {5} Books Sam Likes - 1¾
1) Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton
Sam calls this one "La La" and often carries it around and demands that we sit on the couch and then he'll climb in our laps so we can read it to him.  If you ask him what a pig says, he responds "La la la".  It's a goofy little book but he LOVES it.  I don't remember Luke be as taken with any Sandra Boynton books but Sam is a HUGE fan.

2) Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? by Brianna Caplan Sayres , illustrated by Christian Slade
This one was a strong favorite of Luke's, I read it countless times to him and now I have read it countless times to Sam.  It goes through a bedtime routine with different trucks and while it's not our bedtime routine (who sings songs at bedtime?  Not us.), it's fairly close and Sam wants to hear it at all hours of the day.  We have most of the companion books but this one is his favorite.

3) Don't Push the Button by Bill Cotter
Also known as the Larry book around here.  It's one of those books that asks kids NOT to push the button but then they get to push it, have to shake the book, do some other motions.  Sam needs help with most of those but he is VERY good when it's time to push the button.  He's very interested in those everywhere (especially on the dishwasher). 

4) That's Not my Squirrel by Fiona Watt
There are a whole bunch of these books that have different textures to feel as you try to find the right squirrel/snowman/truck/pirate/etc.  We have a few and have gotten more from the library.  They are the only board books that we keep up in the boys' room (along with a whole ton of picture books) so we frequently read these to Sam right before nap and bedtime.  He is very particular about us feeling all the things too.

5) Dalmatian in a Digger by Rebecca Elliot
This is the only one of Sam's selections that we don't own, even though maybe we should because maybe we returned the library copy with a whole lot of packing tape on it that maybe I still feel a little guilty about every time I see it on the library shelf.  Maybe.  We only had this one a week (see: need for packing tape) but Matt and I each probably read it a dozen times in that week.  Sam likes dogs and he likes trucks so this was perfect for him.   
Any picture or board books you (or your kids) have been enjoying lately?  I'm always looking for more!

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