Wednesday, July 29, 2020

ICOTW: Key Lime Pie Ice Cream

This brings us to the end of our month of ice cream!  I used to do these weekly but that was a kid ago and while I have time to make the ice cream, getting to the photographing and blogging is tougher.  So I remake a lot of our favorites from the past 5 years and then throw in a few new recipes too, always looking for more to add to the favorites file.  If only I was as happy making regular food as I am making ice cream...

I don't know if I've ever had Key Lime Pie.  If I did it wasn't memorable.  But, I like limes and I like ice cream and I had all the ingredients on hand for this one (It's because I keep so much heavy cream on hand in the summer, always ready for an ice cream emergency.)  It was also appealing because it is very easy, no stove time!  I've done more work on ice cream than I ever would have expected 5 years ago and definitely more than I ever could have guessed 10 years ago but I still like being able to post about easier ice creams.  If you've never made homemade ice cream, you definitely aren't going to be tempted to start by a recipe that involves separating and tempering eggs with three different times to turn the stove on and off.  It took me years to even start putting mixes with raspberries seeds through a sieve!

So, Key Lime Pie ice cream.  It is EASY.  Whisk a few things together, crush some graham crackers, run through the ice cream maker!  That's it!  Except this made so much I had to run it through in two batches but that's not hard, just a little confusing.

Luke actually picked this one for his after supper ice cream the other day which surprised me.  I was even more surprised when he talked about how much he liked it!  He's hit or miss on the lime stuff but this was a hit!  It isn't as creamy as some I've made that involve stove time but that's the price to pay for an easier ice cream!  It still had a fantastic lime flavor and did taste what I'd imagine key lime pie to taste like!  I'd especially recommend if you like the pie!

One year ago: Summer Fruit Crisp Ice Cream Bars
Two years ago: Pina Colada Popsicles
Three years ago: Blackberry Sweet Cream Ice Cream
Four years ago: Dark Chocolate Coconut Popsicles (one of the ones I remake the most!)
Five years ago: Super Simple Strawberry Popsicles (another one I remake a lot!)

Key Lime Pie Ice Cream
yield: about 1½ quarts
-2 cups whole milk
-2 cups heavy cream
-1 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
-½ cup lime juice (I mostly used bottled)
- ¼ cup lemon juice
-pinch of salt
-zest of 2 limes, juice the limes for part of the lime juice needed above!
-8 graham cracker squares

1) In a large bowl, whisk together the milk, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, lime juice, lemon juice, lime zest, and salt.  Pour into base of ice cream maker (I had to do in two batches) and churn according to machine's instructions.
2) In the meantime, put 4 graham cracker squares in a ziploc bag and pound with your fist for ~10 second until mostly crushed.  When the ice cream is done churning, sprinkle in layers of graham cracker crumbs with the ice cream.  Press a piece of parchment paper or plastic wrap on top before placing in the freezer.
3) Repeat with the rest of the mix when your ice cream maker is ready for a second batch.  Enjoy!

Source: Slightly modified from Fake Ginger
In the summer I aim to make a different homemade ice cream (or other frozen treat) each week and report back here, good or bad!  I call it "Ice Cream of the Week".  You can follow the "ICOTW" tag to see them all chronologically or go to my "Recipes" page and scroll down to the "Ice Cream/Frozen Things" section for my favorites! 

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