Friday, August 28, 2020

Things I Like - August

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!


I decided I needed some new/additional casual tank tops.  It's been a hot summer and I wear them most of the time (when not sleeping, running, at work, etc.).  I wanted ones I could wear with a regular bra, that weren't too low cut so that I could easily bend over (happens a lot with kids) without flashing people, weren't white, and weren't uncomfortably fitted.  Old Navy has been rather consistent for me in being able to find this kind of thing and this is one of the two I got.  It's super comfortable, meets all my criteria and I've probably worn it about once a week for the past 2 months.  I also wear at the lake on most of our trips because I love a good theme and palm trees count even though there are no real ones there (although a few neighbors have lit up ones so STILL WORKS).   

2) Utz's Honey BBQ Chips

In the first week of real quarantine back in March, the first week schools were closed, Matt and I were doing a lot of quick grocery stops to stock up on food because there was concern that stores would shut down (maybe just I was concerned).  We had to go to our neighborhood meat market multiple times that week because they were daily selling out of ground beef.  On one of these trips I impulsed bought a bag of these chips off the shelf because at the beginning of quarantine is the perfect time to impulse buy any grocery item.  They are nearly perfect BBQ chips (my favorite flavor) and I sneakily ate the whole first bag by myself, over more than a week, without anyone catching me.  That was quite a feat when the boys and I were home together constantly.  Now I have learned to share them but they are still our BBQ chip of choice.  We aren't big chip eaters but usually take a bag along on every lake trip, which means we eat a decent amount of chips in the summer and then not again for 9 months.  I buy them at the meat market when we are there but they are also sold at our local Target.

3) Rimmel Stay Matte Primer

Back in May I had an allergy patch test done at the dermatologist and found out 2 things my skin doesn't care for which then meant I had to rebuy a whole lot of my skin/make-up products to switch to things that agreed with my skin.  This was also when I was buying duplicates of things to have at the lake for the summer which meant I was buying A WHOLE LOT of products.  One thing I had to replace was my daily face primer.  This is what I bought and liked it enough that I now have it on subscription.  I put it on after moisturizer and before BB Cream or foundation and it really helps the BB Cream/foundation go on so much smoother.  And it doesn't make my face angry which I super appreciate.

4) An Oral History of The Office

The Office is REALLY having a time to shine right now, even though it was not real popular when it went off the air 7 years ago (we watched it through the end as it aired but I don't know many others that did).  Just this year I've already highlighted another podcast and a book about the show.  This is ANOTHER podcast but ANOTHER cast member but it's (supposedly) a set amount of episodes which I think they are nearing the end of?  And they got pretty much everyone from the show to come and give their oral history which makes it super interesting.  My only complaint is that it is exclusive to Spotify and so I don't keep as up on it as I do with all the rest of my podcasts that use the Apple podcast app (even though I have 8 unlistened to episodes of other things there).  The episodes I have listened to though are great and do have some new info that wasn't in the book or OTHER podcast.  It's been fun to listen to too.

5) Sally Hansen Jet Setter nail polish

I impulse bought this nail polish and it's been one of my favorites for this summer, I have it on right now!  It's a fun blue that reminds me of those beautiful Gulf or Ocean waters that we certainly aren't seeing in person this year.  I've been wearing it about every other time I paint my nails, which is almost constantly since quarantine.  It holds up pretty well and feels fun.  And 2020 needs more fun.  Under $5 fun is especially perfect.

What have YOU been liking lately?

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