Friday, September 4, 2020

Looking Back at August

When I started pulling pictures for this post I was pretty amazed at all that we packed into a month!  I always expect July to be busy and full and very summer but then August seemed to contain a lot too!  Luke went back to school, at school, mid-month which definitely changed our days.  It had been 5 months to the day since he was last attending school in person and the whole transition has been much better than we all expected.  But besides that, we also had Sam's adoption day, 2 lake trips, a lot of stroller running (for me), and making progress on home projects since we were home a lot more than in July (mainly, fewer nights at the lake).  I'm still excited to soak up all the summer and warm weather things we can before the weather changes!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Under the Kitchen Sink: A Before & After
2 years ago: Thoughts of a First Time Kindergarten Mom (the past two years I've been SO GLAD I will never again have to send my oldest off to was SO HARD)
3 years ago: Linen Closet: Organized
4 years ago: Turning a Door into a Head Board
5 years ago: A-Mazing Chocolate Frosting (still my all-time favorite)
6 years ago: The Bathroom is Done!!!! (basically) (still, BY FAR, the worst home project we've taken on)
7 years ago: I Made Pillows!!! (We still have these!)
10 years ago: California!!

1) Driving their hand-me-down Powerwheels to get sno-cones!

2) Biking downtown for Sam's adoption day celebration!

3) Weirdly pink sky with my backyard flowers.

4) Mornings glories are blooming regularly again!

5) Back at the zoo, both boys want to see the lemurs first, every time.  And sometimes we double back to them again.

6) Backyard sunset with the string lights!

7) The theme of this is quickly going to become "things Diana drank".  Sno-cones the night before school started!

8) Running with Sam on the second day of school!  It took a few runs to get back in stroller running shape!

9) Post-stroller run smoothie in the backyard.  There was a summer Luke & I did smoothies every Friday and Sam really liked their brief resurgence.

10) Peach ice cream cone in the backyard, we've made this weekend evening tradition when we are home!

11) Matt had a Friday off work and so we picked up Luke from school and went straight to the lake from there!  Time for swimming and margaritas before supper!  And we rarely get to the lake in time to even eat supper there on the night we go up!

12) Sunset pontoon ride, who needs to keep kids on a regular sleep schedule once school started. (We should, we definitely should.)

13) Walking through the campground at the lake to go to Mass.  Every time we do this (every weekend we're at the lake) it reminds me of so many happy camping memories with my family growing up.

14) We got homework done early enough to do some sprinkler time on a school night!  This felt like a huge accomplishment for all!

15) Backyard string lights!  They are coming on early enough now that the boys usually see them before bed!  And Sam especially is always delighted.

16) Frozen coke after a doctor's appointment.  I've decided I've earned one of these from time to time.  It was also 90°+ this day.

Books finished: 15!
Miles ran:
66.8!  I've been running (with Sam in the stroller) after school drop-off a couple mornings a week which usually means nice temps and really helps our evenings when I am not trying to squeeze in a run!
Currently watching:
I watch a few episodes of The Office a week while working to keep up with the Office Ladies podcast (I'm almost caught up to where they are).  Matt & I have watched very little tv together lately but are trying to finish up the final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and the first season of Space Force.
Most read post this month: Stripping: Laundry Style - it's slowed down a little but apparently laundry stripping is still a very popular activity!
Luke's current favorite song:
He still loves Sweet Home Alabama!

September kinda feels like it should be fall...but we're still plenty warm during the day and have a jet ski that we still plan to put (back, back) in the water.  Not giving up on summer yet!  Although I also wouldn't mind a looooooong stretch of days where we don't need the AC or the heat just yet!

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