Thursday, September 8, 2022

Looking Back at August 2022

August contained a lot of things.  For starters, the end of summer and getting back to a school routine.  Also a camping trip, Sam's adoption day, and baptism of a new godson!  Then, 2 weeks into the school year, COVID finally got us.  And it hit me HARD.  Luke missed three days of school (and recovered over a weekend).  Matt was out of work a couple days.  As soon as I got over the fever I got hit with nausea that lasted about 3 days and put me in the ER for a morning.  It feels like we basically lost the last two weeks of the month, very little productive happened other than getting Luke to and from school the days he went (we followed all the rules the school said to follow!).  

We pretty much lived our lives normally since the local masking rules went away in May 2021.  Matt has to mask at work (at a hospital) and I do when needed but the boys hadn't worn one since we went up in the Arch in April, and I can't tell you the time before that.  We've been going to the grocery store this whole time and Luke's been in school since August 2020 (other than one day out for a stomach bug).  We've taken 5 vacations.  And it still took us 2½ years to get it (we credit gradual immunity from being out in the world for more than 2 years).  We had even only had one scare up to this point!  Anyways, it sucked, a lot.  I felt horrible with a fever and then exhaustion and then the nausea which was the worst.  (I lost 10 pounds in 5 days from that one.)  It really changed our month and it took almost exactly 2 weeks from my first sick day until I felt 85% normal again.  But now we've got some good immunity.  Omicron seems to be taking down many people!

So, that was our month.  Adoption day, back to school, camping, that weird time when it's kinda summer but also the school year, and then COVID.  Feeling pretty good heading into September now!

Looking back:
1 year ago:
The Thing About Road Trips
2 years ago:
Organizing the Legos (the top of this doesn't look nearly this clean now).
3 years ago:
Under the Kitchen Sink: A Before & After (this still pretty much looks like this!)
4 years ago:
Thoughts of a First Time Kindergarten Mom (been thinking about this a lot with Sam headed to kindergarten next year!)
5 years ago:
ICOTW: Dark Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream (one of my favorites!)
6 years ago:
It's the Small Things
7 years ago:
Super Simple Strawberry Popsicles (we still have one of these in the freezer!)
8 years ago:
The Bathroom is Done! (basically)
9 years ago:
I Made Pillows!! (We still have and use these!)
12 years ago:

1) My hibiscus are doing very well!  These make me happy.
2) An evening zoo trip before school started, sometimes we just need to get out of the house, bonus if it's outside.
3) THAT'S ME AND A BIRD.  I wanted a selfie with a bird all summer and I got it on the LAST DAY I was sitting out here before school started.
4) Zinnias are also doing wonderful!  These are so much fun to have in the yard and pick for the house!
5) Getting ice cream downtown for Sam's adoption day/Luke's last day of summer.
6) When we were downtown I told the boys it was just a little over 3 months before we are back in this spot for the annual lighting.  Seemed crazy when it was so hot that day!
7) BLUE MORNING GLORIES.  This is the best those have done in YEARS. 
8) Running home on the first day of school!  It was amazing what cooler temps did for my running pace! (Which has now been ruined with being sick.)
9) A BEAUTIFUL Friday evening at camp.  We shared a deluxe cabin with my sister, her husband, and their daughter and then my parents brought their camper too!
10) I picked the campground because of the lazy river.  Then it was never warm (or dry enough - it rained a lot) for me to want to get in.  We'll have to go back!  (The weather didn't stop the boys from swimming...they swam in the rain.)
11) Our cabin was adorable and I still love our camping coffee/tea mugs we bought at Jellystone this summer. 
12) Matt brought home a peach a patient had bought him because it was too soft for him.  It was PERFECT.
13) Thirsty Thursday with Matt's brother, sister, and their spouses.
14) A treat at the farmer's market with the boys!  Got in a quick trip there between rain storms one Saturday!
15) Our sunflowers ALSO did wonderful this year!  I had fun documenting them every week to watch them grow against the boys!
16) You can't tell but I was so sick in this picture.  This was between going to the doctor for nausea meds and before going to the ER.  It was a level of misery I hope to never experience again.

Books finished:
Miles ran:
64, missed my goal of 75 miles with being sick.  I'm still disappointed in myself.
Currently watching:
Stranger Things season 4 and House Hunters too!
Most read post this month:
Stripping: Laundry Style and then July 2022 Reading Recap
Luke's current favorite song:
The clean version (we don't let him listen to the original) of "Tribute" by Tenacious D.
Sam's current favorite song:
AND...Sam said the same thing.

September is, hopefully, a pretty chill month after so much going on in August!  We've already had a wedding and then hopefully some relaxing weekends at home and getting back to our school routine!  Ready for a long stretch of 70° days!

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