Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Looking Back at June 2024

June is done! The year AND the summer are both half done!  June was much less busy than May (Mat is always crazy).  We had two camping trips: making 3 mid-week nights at our beloved Jellystone and then a weekend with (barely half, still 21 people) my family later in the month.  I front loaded our summer with doctor appointments - annual physicals and such, knowing how July always FLIES by.  So some of that.  But also a decent amount of time at home!  Which is what I want a lot of in the summer.  It's the rare day during the school year that we go NOWHERE.  I treasure those days when we get them! 

Looking back:
1 year ago: Things the Boys Like - June 2023 (I think the last one I did based on the boys??)
2 years ago: A Different Me After Vacation (but still mostly the same)
3 years ago: Vacation Ponderings
4 years ago: Things Luke & Sam Like - 7¼ & 2¼
5 years ago: Patriotic Kabobs
6 years ago: New York City #4 - day 3
7 years ago:
10 Things I Dislike About Our House (we have fewer toys in the shower now).
8 years ago:
NYC Notes: Our 3rd {3} Day Visit
9 years ago: Festive 4th of July Fruit Pizza Cookies
10 years ago:
Bathroom Update: We have tile in the shower (I was just talking to Matt about this, I was pretty sure it was 4th of July weekend when we could finally use our shower again)
11 years ago: A Big Cloth Diapering Post
12 years ago:
Dingle to Cobh

1) Sam has regularly been picking me flowers for my desk and/or my nightstand! It's very sweet.
2) Jellystone.  It is our favorite campground and the only one we return to every summer.  We're just always delighted to be back.
3) Every trip I take a picture with my tea in front of the cabin we stayed in 3 times...even though we haven't stayed in that cabin our last 2 trips (luckily there hasn't been anyone else staying in those exact times either).
4) Rained but beautiful golden hour with the puddles.  I don't get these views walking back from the shower at home (....probably because I'm not walking back from the shower at home).
5) Just so many giant trees in the part of the campground we've stayed in for each of our 6 visits (although in 3 different cabins and 1 tent site).
6) Ice cream.  When camping we have ice cream almost every night. 
7) Daisies!  These were at church! I've never successfully grown them here.
8) Reading on the porch with my tea, I picked specifically this one because I am wearing jeans which means this wasn't the week it was 90°+ every day...
9) Sam was so excited to pull me away from dishes to see this hawk, or whatever this large bird in the alley was.
10) I finally made margaritas and they were delicious (this recipe).
11) Reading outside by the pool*!  One of my favorite things to do in the summer. (*inflatable kid pool)
12) I always appreciate when I can use my flamingo koozie with Naturdays (flamingos on the can).
13) Snack at the Farmers Market with Sam.  Our first outdoor market of the year!
14) My niece made me a bracelet that fits right in with my other beaded bracelets!
15) Camping with my family, our cabin with a nice patio.  We were right between two of my sisters! (We planned and paid for that arrangement.)
16) Walking over the little stream to get the pool and/or playground.  I had a kid who liked to play in this stream.  It's where we found him multiple times.

Books finished: 18!  A few trips in there helped as well as just the laid back parts of summer (which isn't every day).
Miles ran: 51.55!  My running just keeps ramping up until the fall now (as long as, fingers crossed, I stay healthy and injury free)
Currently watching: We just  finished season 2 of The Mandalorian with the boys and Matt & I are on to season 3 of Welcome to Wrexham.
Most read post this month: Same as last month, Fizzy Flamingo and then Kool-Aid Cookies
Luke's current favorite song:
"Iron Man" by Black Sabbath - He recently bought an electric guitar and this is the song his cousin is teaching him to play.
Sam's current favorite song:

July is summer busy with my kids at Vacation Bible School this week, my birthday, and Matt has a lot of school!  I DO NOT want to think about how soon school is starting.  It's just way too soon.  Still lots of summer to soak in!

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