Monday, July 30, 2018

Mixed Drink Monday: Sparkling Pineapple Lemonade

When I originally started this project I was doing one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic drink a week.  That was a lot of drinks.

It slowly morphed into one drink a week, trying to alternate between alcohol and non which then then morphed into most alcohol.

If you don't consume alcohol for whatever reason...I'm sorry.

(Sorry that most of these posts aren't relevant to you, not that you don't drink.)

This one might make up for that a little bit.

The original recipe called for 2 CUPS of vodka and it may have partially been me being cheap in not wanting to use 2 cups of vodka in a pitcher, also that seemed like a lot of vodka.  Plus, Luke sees me make some of these drinks and never gets to try them because of the aforementioned alcohol so making a pitcher of these to have in the fridge for the weekend seemed like a nice compromise.

Plus, he got a little pop which we've mostly convinced him he shouldn't drink because it will make you stop growing.  Sometimes little white lies might be ok if they keep your kid from drinking sugar on the reg.

Anyways, I found this a delightful summer drink.  I never would have thought of putting pineapple and lemonade together.  Both delightful but the combination wouldn't have come to me on my own.

It was refreshing, super easy, and finally used up the 2 liter of 7-Up we had bought to make punch for Luke's birthday party 3 months earlier that just didn't happen.  I would definitely make up another batch of this for a party or cookout.  Pineapple lemonade is super good, who knew?

(Although I will admit to adding a little bit of coconut rum to my own glass.)

One year ago: Tropical Mimosa
Two years ago:
Pineapple Coconut Spritzer
Three years ago:
Lemon Granita  
Four years ago: Aloha Pineapple Jamba Juice

Sparkling Pineapple Lemonade
yield: 1 large pitcher, maybe 8-12 servings?
-1 cup dry lemonade mix (like CountryTime)
-2 cups water
-1 48oz can pineapple juice
-3 cups (or more!) Sprite/7-Up

Add all ingredients to a pitcher and stir until the lemonade mix is dissolved.  Add ice if necessary!  Enjoy!

Source: slightly modified from Plain Chicken
In the summer I aim to make a new drink every week and share them all here, good or bad!  See them all in chronological order by following the "Mixed Drink Monday" tag here or check out my favorites by scrolling down to "Mixed Drink Monday" on my recipes page

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