Friday, November 5, 2021

Looking back at October

October was BUSY.  I was pulling pictures for this post and there were things I had COMPLETELY forgotten had happened.  Which is good in a way, there were so many activities and happenings that were just enough out of our normal routine that the month felt long, a good long.  Like we were able to fit in a lot.  There was Matt's birthday, hiking in the woods, Matt's nephew's wedding, my 20 year class reunion (I only made the school tour and Mass between the wedding and reception because OF COURSE they were the same weekend), saw my niece in a play, went to my goddaughter's birthday party, (all 4 of those last things were THE SAME WEEKEND), we bought pumpkins, did a long walk home from school to FINALLY see the changing trees, I ran my 400th mile for the year, AND THEN Halloween.  It was a very very busy month.  We also ran our AC and our heat this month, going from not even needing sweatshirts to walk to school in the morning one week to needing winter coats within 10 days. 

Looking forward to a few more open weekend in November as well as ALL THE HOLIDAY PREP.  I hope to have a good amount of things done for Christmas by December!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Basic Buttery Biscuits (I still love these)
2 years ago: Creating a Reading Culture at Home
3 years ago: Flying with a Baby - the Nitty Gritty
4 years ago: Miramar Beach, Florida
5 years ago: Sewing Clutch Time (I still use these for dates or special occasions like weddings!)
6 years ago: Gulf Shores, Alabama - family vacation #3 (I loved seeing pictures from the "Rocket Rest Stop" after we were just there this summer too!)
7 years ago: 6+ Weeks on Crutches
8 years ago: A New Bench for a Simpler Look
9 years ago: Things I Like - October
(I love seeing what I liked so long ago!)
10 years ago: Miami! (October is apparently when I post about beach vacations)
11 years ago: NYC!
(our first trip there!)

1) Sam insisted on taking this picture of me next to the pink flower and flamingos.
2) Mother-Son bowling at the same bowling alley one of my sisters and I used to visit with our friends in high school.  I made the other two sisters who were there with their sons recreate our high school "ugly bowling shoe" picture.  They were more mismatched 20 years ago.
3) Fall hike in the woods, we always go very near to Matt's birthday and this was the greenest one we've ever had!
4) My Sam walking in the woods!
5) BLUE MORNING GLORIES! BLUE MORNING GLORIES.  There were SO MANY BLUE MORNING GLORIES this month.  I almost made this whole collage those (I easily could have).  I took pictures of so many so I'll always remember that we had a lot.
6) Making compost cookies for nephew's rehearsal dinner (lucky me, they didn't all fit on my serving plate so I have more hidden in the freezer).
7) My Halloween mug and a stack of Halloween books to read to Sam some morning at home.
8) Sam was excited to match his "Dark Vader" mask with his "Dark Vader" Lego doll.
9) Mums!  I don't know that I've ever bought them before but they are so nice and festive, adding some nice color to the porch before we got our pumpkins!
10) My favorite tree in the park, October 20th and still almost entirely green.
11) Finally getting our pumpkins!  My wheelbarrow wasn't that full but it was close.
12) The night before the first forecasted frost of the year I took a bunch of pictures of my flowers, but the frost didn't completely kill them and I still picked zinnias in November!
13) Sun coming through a tree that has since turned yellow!
14) My favorite tree, one week later, now GLORIOUSLY ORANGE.  If you hit the time just right (say...right after school), the sun hits the tree in a way that makes it glow.  Especially magical to stand under it, I highly recommend.
15) I only get to eat peach sorbet on the days I run.  I might need to run a few more times this year just so I can have more peach sorbet.
16) Sam and I had our annual adoption physicals and got 3 shots between us.  I decided we got frosties and fries as a reward (this was about 10:30am, too early for a full lunch, plus we had leftovers). 

Books finished: 15!  And just planned out all the ones I plan to read in these last 2 months to hit my goal for the year!
Miles ran:
37.65, the most I've ever run in October!  Very mild weather the first two weeks really helped!
Currently watching:
We finished Community and I have yet to start Grey's even though I've been DVR'ing them.  We just finished the Halloween episodes.  We have a 4 month Apple TV trial and keep talking about starting Ted Lasso but haven't yet.  I also watch The Office sometimes in an attempt to keep up with The Office Ladies podcast but I'm a bit behind.
Most read post this month:
As always, Stripping: Laundry Style, then Quick Lit - October, and ICOTW: Coconut Pineapple Sorbet (that one was surprising)
Luke's current favorite song:
I'm just going to go out on a not very far limb and assume it's still "Shut Up and Dance" solely for the joy of saying "Shut up".
Sam's current favorite song: "Fun, Fun, Fun" by The Beach Boys and "Victory in Jesus" as sung by Carrie Underwood.

November will be full of baking, shopping, and planning for December!  Maybe sneaking in some running if we get some warmer days?  I'm excited for all of it (less the running but I AM excited for the sorbet after...never discount the power of sorbet).

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