Friday, December 3, 2021

Looking back at November 2021

Happy December!  November is a month that I have not liked in many years.  It's getting progressively darker and colder, both of which are my least favorite parts of winter.  HOWEVER, now that I spend much of the month prepping for Christmas, trying to get on top of ALL THE THINGS so December is more relaxing...November is pretty nice!  We also had a pretty mild weather month and the leaves were still beautiful the first 2ish weeks of the month which made it a much more likeable month!

Looking back:
1 year ago: The Holidays Will Look Different This Year
2 years ago: A Day in the Life #11
3 years ago: Viva Las Vegas!
4 years ago: {7} Favorite Kitchen Gadgets (other than my ice cream maker & immersion blender both dying and getting replaced...I still love and use ALL of these ALL the time)
5 years ago: Refinishing the Porch Floor
6 years ago: Homemade Handkerchiefs (I've been using these again!)
7 years ago: Make New Candles and Get Rid of the Old (I was just talking to Luke about these last night!)
8 years ago:
Reindeer & Turtle Noses
9 years ago: It's Almost the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
10 years ago: Kitchen Project


1) A beautiful trees!  The trees were 2-3 weeks behind when they changed last year which meant the most color we've had in November for awhile!
2) Slightly long walk home from school to looks at some trees! 
3) Going to the downtown (indoor) Farmers Market with the boys on a Saturday morning and downtown was looking beautiful.  We were downtown A LOT this month! (6 times maybe? That might be a non-summer record!)
4) More beautiful trees!  My camera roll in the fall consists of trees and my kids.
5) We got in a BEAUTIFUL bike ride downtown IN NOVEMBER.  It was stunning and so nice to be doing something fun outside IN NOVEMBER.
6) Sunset over the MLK bridge.  This was the first night of the early setting sun so we could see the sunset and still get home with plenty of time for a school night!
7) Running through the park, still pretty trees!
8) I'm pretty sure these trees are in my sister's neighborhood, when my Mom and 3 of us sisters got together for our annual Spritz cookie day.  We didn't do it last year and it was fun to be back at it this year! 
9) Breaking out a sparkling headband and had to show my niece who also loves sparkles (she is 5...we have similar tastes, it's fine.)
10) First snow of the year!  Not much there but the boys still had to play in it!
11) Sunset from the backyard before the string lights finally came down!
12) Matt got me the Friends Lego set (affiliate link) for Christmas last year (we had discussed it) but I put off building it for nearly a year because I didn't know where I'd put it.  Then Matt was taking Luke to a Friday night hockey game on a night Sam needed to go to bed early so I decided that was a perfect time for me to watch some Friends Thanksgiving episodes and start my set.  It took me 6 episodes over 2 nights to build and it was SO. MUCH. FUN.  And I found a space for it.  Highly recommend the experience.  Matt AND the boys were all impressed with the detail in it!
13) We raked leaves and cleaned up the backyard.  The next day all the leaves fell from our ONE tree.  Thanks, tree.
14) Downtown for Night of Lights again!  One of the best nights downtown of the year!
15) Our Pilot doesn't have a rack on top like the Jeep did.  This made getting the tree home a bit more complicated.  We had to pass rope with the open windows and Matt had to climb through the trunk to get in in the end.  Maybe we'll figure out a better plan by next year.
16) Decorating the tree with the boys while watching White Christmas!  One of my favorite Christmas traditions and one of my very favorite Christmas movies!

Books finished: 13
Miles ran:
5.15, hit my annual goal (400!) and now a few months off!
Currently watching:
Ted Lasso with Matt, I've starting these Christmas episodes!
Most read post this month:
Stripping: Laundry Style is still plugging away, then Quick Lit - November and Homemade Laundry Detergent
Luke's current favorite song:
"Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd or anything on the "Classic Hits" station that he listens to in the shower.
Sam's current favorite song: "Jingle Bell Rock" by Bobby Helm

December is Christmas Christmas Christmas!  We are 85% done with shopping and I'm about 40% done with baking, a lot of the fun parts of celebrating and relaxing and enjoying to go!  Also, 2022 is right around the corner.  WHAT.

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