Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
3:00am - Sam is awake and saying "I want Mama" so I am in a couple times over over the next hour and then Matt is in there on and off too. Sleep has been a struggle for the last 4 months and after 4 good nights in a row we were due for a tough one.
5:00am - Matt's alarms start. He gets ready for work, I go back to sleep.
5:55am - My alarms start. I hit snooze a couple times after a tough night and taking cold medicine the night before which made me extra groggy.
6:20am - I'm finally up, change into workout clothes, make the bed, take morning meds, refill water bottle.
6:25am - Workout, I have not been very good about this since school started but getting a good night sleep more consistently would also help!
6:45am - I finished working out, refilled my water bottle (again) and shower. I had opened the boys' bedroom door before showering so once I was out and dressed I could turn on the stair light which would hopefully start to wake them up.
7:05am - The light woke up Sam but not Luke who said Sam kept him awake in the night which he can normally sleep through (depending on how loud Sam is). The boys and I eat breakfast (cereal for all!), I finish Luke's lunch (PB&J does not taste good when made the night before), put away a few dishes in the drainer, brush my teeth, coach Luke through changing, brushing his teeth. I brush his hair and then remember I need to change Sam since we are going to vote right from school drop-off so get him changed and coats on everybody.
7:35am - Out the door, right on time. I quiz Luke on spelling words on the way to school. We beat the drop-off line rush (yay!) so it's pretty quick today. Sam and I go from school to our voting location and vote. My SIL is getting there right as we are finishing up and we talk to her for a minute. Sam ends up with 3 "I voted!" stickers.
8:05am - Back home and I figure out how to change the time on the clock in my Jeep. I was FINALLY remembering how to do it when my stereo went out and had to get a new one over the summer now I have NO IDEA how to do it on the new one. Google helped. Back inside and hang up coats.
8:15am - I had soaked dry black beans overnight to cook them today so I start the cooking, look on Target and Amazon for a curl revitalizer spray (not fully happy with mine but it's also the first one I've ever used). Open blinds, do some morning clean-up that didn't happen in the rush to get out the door. I excel at puttering around the house.
8:50am - I read some books with Sam. This one is a current favorite and this one has been a Halloween favorite that has yet to be put away.
9:00am - I check on the beans, spend 45 minutes cleaning out a bathroom drawer (one of my jobs for the week), put away some things that don't belong in the drawer and a few items in the donate pile.
10:20am - I eat a yogurt and Sam asks for some bites. Then clean out the file cabinet (another job for the week)
10:45am - I make lunch for Sam and he kinda eats and throws some on the floor. He has a cold and has been grumpier than usual. While he eats I prep for using the steam mop on the floors and then grate 1½ pounds of cheese. I try to do this right away (I went to the grocery the day before) instead of freezing the blocks and then having to thaw them before grating.
11:15am - Sam gets a diaper change and to bed. I get him set-up with his stuffed animals, burb cloths (kid LOVES burb cloths), and blankets.
11:25am - I steam mop the floors in my office, the bathroom, and the kitchen while listening to a podcast.
11:35am - Work from home on my work laptop while watching some Grey's Anatomy. Only a couple of episodes behind!
12:40pm - Put the house back together after all the floors have dried and put away my work things. Warm-up various leftovers for lunch and eat while reading.
1:30pm - I ended up reading quite a bit and then take care of the beans which had been draining. Put 1 container in the fridge for supper later and then others in the upstairs freezer, I'll move them to the deep freeze later but am feeling rushed on time to get things done before getting Luke.
1:40am - Turn on my computer for the first time. I've checked my e-mail earlier in the day but haven't been on any social media yet. I read a couple of blog posts (although my feed reader is still sitting at 37 unread...I'm behind) and then work on this blog post. I drink my tea and write about how I'm writing about this day.
2:25pm - I turn off my computer and go up to get Sam. Pull out coats and we are in the mudroom locking the door when I see Matt walking in from the garage. So I go inside, take off Sam's coat, tell Matt I'm going to get Luke and leaving him with Sam. Then my book, my water, and myself go to get Luke. I thought I left a few minutes early but I get the last spot in the pick-up line. Yikes. I read while sitting in line. Luke is immediately confused about Sam's whereabouts when he gets in the car.
3:05pm - Luke and I are back home. Have him change out of his uniform and we do one part of his homework before everyone puts coats back on.
3:25pm - All 4 of us are out of the house, we drop the boys with our SIL and niece and then Matt and I go back to school (3rd time I've been there today) for his parent teacher conference. Then we go back to pick up the boys (one spent ~30 minutes looking for "Mama" and the other doesn't want to leave cousins').
4:20pm - Back home and I start supper while Matt works on homework with Luke.
4:55pm - I take over homework (he doesn't have THAT much, just stalling getting it done).
5:15pm - We eat supper.
5:30pm - I work on a mound of dishes and cleaning up the kitchen while Matt works with Luke some more.
5:55pm - The day is mostly done, or at least the daylight is, and I change into my pjs/lounge clothes and get out clothes for myself and both boys for the next day. Also do a little quick rearranging in our closet to separate all my summer dresses and clothes from the ones I currently want to wear. It makes finding weather appropriate clothes slightly easier. I also wash my face and brush my teeth.
6:10pm - I read some books with Sam.
6:25pm - Review spelling words with Luke while he is coloring in my office. Get my work bag together for the next day.
6:40pm - I give Sam a bath. I try to check Instagram while supervising but spend a whole one minute 30 seconds on it before I am interrupted. Remember I still haven't packed Luke's lunch so Matt takes over watching Sam in the bath while I pack Luke's lunch and then I am back on bath duty. I get Sam out and dressed and medicated (both boys have bad colds and we are putting scar reducing meds on two face scars Sam got over the summer) and then pass him off to Matt. Matt and Luke had just gotten out "beep beep", the infrared heater we run upstairs in the winter. Mainly because Matt and I have been getting too cold when up rocking Sam in the middle of the night.
7:20pm - Luke is in the tub, I check Instagram and remember why it's a bad idea to do one long check for the day - I spend too much time on it.
7:55pm - Get Luke out and dressed. We say prayers with Matt and then Luke and I read 2 chapters of our current chapter book (the second time we've read it this year). Then Matt takes him up and puts him to bed.
8:30pm - Matt and I watch an episode of House Hunters Renovation which we have because we somehow bought the whole season for $3 (really, free, thanks to Amazon shipping credits). We obviously criticize many of their design choices. I eat a leftover popsicle that I had forgotten about (and Matt had one of these).
9:15pm - TV off, I refill my water bottle, refill Luke's water bottle, set some things out for the morning, get out a new hair cream to try in the morning. Rebrush my teeth. Head to bed. Read.
10:30pm - Check on the boys again and lights out!
Sam, thankfully, slept much better this night, Matt was up with him briefly but I felt like a new person with a full night sleep! This wasn't the most exciting day but even in 6 months I'll probably look back and marvel at how much life has changed already. We tend to remember big moments but I really like documenting the ordinary days too. They are not as memorable but most of life is lived between the big moments.
Day in the Life 1 - November 2013 (Luke 7½ months)
Day in the Life 2 - June 2014 (Luke 14 months)
Day in the Life 3 - November 2014 (Luke 20 months)
Day in the Life 4 - January 2016 (Luke 2 ¾)
Day in the Life 5 - July 2016 (Luke 3 ¼)
Day in the Life 6 - January 2017 (Luke 3¾)
Day in the Life 7 - October 2017 (Luke 4½)
Day in the Life 8 - April 2018 (Luke 5, Sam 2 months)
Day in the Life 9 - November 2018 (Luke 5½, Sam 8 months)
Day in the Life 10 - May 2019 (Luke 6, Sam 14 months)
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