Friday, July 7, 2023

Looking Back at June 2023

First full month of summer done!  It was a busy one!  I included our May 31st Kings Island trip since I wrote May's recap before that trip.  But also had a family reunion, a nephew spend 2 nights, a return of our church festival post-Covid, back to back camping trips, Father's Day, two weeks of swim lessons, and surprising the boys with Dude Perfect to close the month!  Last day of May was Kings Island, last day of June was Dude Perfect...boys are going to be letdown the last day of July... (we'll be home...)

Looking back:
1 year ago: A Different Me After Vacation (but still mostly the same)
2 years ago: Vacation Ponderings
3 years ago: MDM: Honey Lemon Margarita
4 years ago: Patriotic Kabobs
5 years ago: New York City #4 - day 3 (we've just been talking about this!)
6 years ago: ICOTW: Homemade Chipwich
7 years ago: Raspberry Crisp Ice Cream (still one of my favorite I've ever made)
8 years ago:
Festive 4th of July Fruit Pizza Cookies
9 years ago: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (still the banana bread I make!)
10 years ago:
Food DIY: Taco Seasoning (I still make this!)
11 years ago:
Kilkenny to Dublin

1) Kings Island Eiffel Tower and the moon!  11 years earlier, to the day, Matt & I were at the real one in Paris! (Seeing the Kings Island one is much cheaper)
2) Luke & I were still coming back into the station on a roller coaster when the fireworks and drone show felt like real magic and was a lovely way to close our full 11.5 hours at the park!
3) Got a quick 10 minutes at UD on our way back home the next day...this was my sophomore year dorm and the one I moved into a month after Matt & I started dating.  I surprised even myself by crying when we stopped, even though I had been back before! What would the me that lived there think of the me now??
4) Biking downtown on a gorgeous summer day!
5) Checking out the new Red Panda Ridge.  This one performed well by walking right in front of us.
6) Hiking at Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  Gorgeous!!  Even if this hike was 5.25 miles and not the 3.25  we were told at the visitor's center...
7) Doing another hike...someday there'll be a post about this trip!
8) I took a picture of Matt & the boys across the way and then they took one of me!
9) A waterfall!  Where I may or may not have slipped on rocks and got very wet.  That was 3 weeks ago and I still have a bruise.
10) Jellystone!!  The only campground we return to every year.  This trip was during the week and Luke had this pool to himself for a bit! (Sam was in a different one.)
11) Ahhhhh...camping.
12) Beautiful maybe begonias?
13) Experimenting with 30 minutes of quiet "reading" for all before screen time (Sam can't read, he is supposed to do quiet activities).  It has been working WONDERFUL.  And gets me reading time in the middle of the day!
14) My precious and rare mornings to read on the porch before the boys are awake!  It's very limited the mornings this can happen and I treasure it when it does!
15) A peacock in front of the peacock cafe at the zoo!
16) And closing the month with Dude Perfect!  They were down there!

Books finished: 10
Miles ran:
49.9, didn't realize I was so close to 50, should have done another 0.1!
Currently watching:
Secret Invasion, on Disney+...pretty confused though.
Most read post this month: MDM: Fizzy Flamingo (still don't understand this) and then Reading Recap - May 2023
Luke's current favorite song:
"God's Country" by Blake Shelton
Sam's current favorite song: "We Will Rock You" by Queen

July is PEAK summer and one of my favorite months of the year!  Also, my last month with boys home for nearly a year AND I AM TRYING NOT TO THINK ABOUT THAT.

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