Thursday, August 31, 2023

Things I Like - August 2023

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1) Neck Reading Light
Janssen at Everyday Reading has been raving about these for awhile but I never saw a strong need for a reading light but then with some of our camping trips this summer I finally thought one would be helpful.  Initially I was going to order two, one for me and one for Luke, but then decided to try it out first.  And you all, this reading light is amazing.  (Luke still hasn't used it, although I would share should the occasion arise, we usually aren't night reading at the same time.)  It has fabric on the part that rests on the back of your neck.  You can aim where the lights at each end hit on the page.  And there are TWO lights so you aren't constantly readjusting after reading one side of a page.  It's around your neck and not the book so you aren't adjusting every time you turn the page.  You can choose a warmer or cooler light setting. You can choose a brightness level.  It recharges from an outlet so no batteries required.  It is a great reading light.  I used it when we were in a one room cabin at Jellystone and didn't want to keep Matt & the boys awake with my reading.  And then at our most recent KOA camping cabin, neither Matt or I had reading lamps by the bed (which we always had before, at 10 different cabins) so I pulled this out again!  Highly recommend for anyone needing to read at night.  Or do anything where aimed light would be helpful!

2) Amazon maxi dress
I bought this dress for the color (I was just rereading past Things I Like post and realized how much that was a theme over the past year - July, October, November, December, January, February, May) but then I tried it on and loved it and now it's my favorite dress.  I have the "navy" which really isn't navy but a darker blue.  A slight difference that I actually prefer.  I think it's flattering and it's very comfortable.  I do wear a strapless bra with it because of the cut of the shoulders.  It's longer on me (5'5") but I've worn it with flats or wedges (still those!) and both work!  Very happy with this purchase.

3) Waterproof Sandals
These were something of an impulse buy after really liking the Target knock-off birkenstocks I bought last summer.  I realized there are multiple trips we've taken lately where, because of water activities, I've needed a waterproof sandal but, also, I appreciate having a slipper or sandal I can put on with socks for walking around a hotel room or cabin.  Enter these.  The color is VERY bright but also cheery.  I wouldn't wear them all day at an amusement park but they were great for walking to the beach and back in Florida and around the pools at Jellystone and KOAs.  And at ALL those places I could slip them on over my sleeping socks for late night trips to the bathroom (even at most of those places we had our own bathrooms...I rarely go barefoot places that aren't our house or walking from our towels to the water at the beach).  These have been great.

4) Dark chocolate covered almonds
Coming home from Florida this summer we stopped at a Buc-Ee's.  Before my sister texted about one earlier this summer, I had never heard of them or if I had, didn't pay any attention.  Then we saw a bunch on our drive to Cocoa Beach and back but they never were when we actually needed gas.  Finally, we stopped at the ONE in Kentucky which turned out to be the exact same one two of my sisters had, on separate trips, stopped at earlier in the summer.  The cleanest bathrooms I've seen at any gas station EVER.  We also stocked up on some snacks (and got gas) and Matt got some dark chocolate covered almonds.  Well, we went through those pretty quick and then I found similar ones at Target.  I can't explain it but these aren't quite as good as Buc-Ee's but considering we have none of those anywhere near to us, these will do.  We opened one bag and I immediately added another to our cart.  I can pretend they are healthy because they are more nut than chocolate.  Maybe???  Great for a quick energy pick-up.

5) Waterproof Phone Cases
Matt talked me into these for the paddle board he bought this summer (after the one he bought last summer was recalled, returned, and refunded).  We ended up using them a ton at the beach and they worked wonderfully.  And they still take good pictures through the plastic!  Matt often had his phone in here, in the pocket of his swim trunks (and tied to his drawstring so they wouldn't get ripped away like my sunglasses, RIP) for HOURS of swimming and bobbing in the ocean without a drop on his phone.  They really work very well.  I didn't take mine in the ocean (no way to keep it connected to me if I got grabbed by a big wave) but did keep my phone in this in the beach bag when I took it to the beach (sometimes I left it in the condo but then got tired of asking Matt to borrow his for pictures).  If you are spending time on boats or at the beach, these are a worthwhile purchase.  Especially at $14 for two.

Those are new things that I've been loving this summer!  How about you??

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