Friday, May 31, 2019

Things I Like - May

My monthly round-up of 5 things I'm liking, with a few affiliate links sprinkled in.  Thanks for helping support the blog! =)  See more here!
1) Flamingo Doormat
I don't think I've ever posted on here about something I have yet to even see in person but I am making an exception.  I usually replace our front door mat about every other year.  The pineapple one I bought two years ago seemed impulsive at the time but it has brought me a tiny bit of joy every time I walk over it (which is often, since my garage spot has been overtaken by furniture building for months).  I saw this flamingo doormat on Target's website and of course, ended up buying it.  They wouldn't ship it to my house and the store was out of stock so I am waiting for it to be shipped to the store so I can pick it up.  It was $10 with Memorial Day sales and I am excited to walk over this one multiple times too.  A fresh doormat really does help the curb appeal!  And since I am walking over it constantly, I picked something I would really like.

2) The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society movie
Last month I posted a whole bunch of movies (where did I find time to watch all of those??) and now I have another.  I read this charming book a couple years ago.  It's epistolary format (all told through letters) so I didn't know how that would translate to a movie but the movie is delightful as well.  It almost entirely takes place on the island of Guernsey, in the English Channel, which was under German occupation during World War II.  The book and movie both take place in the years shortly after the war when Guernsey is still recovering from their visitors.  And there is a romance.  It was enjoyable while also covering some tougher issues.

3) Gingham Tote 
I have a laptop for work that I carry back and forth with me (when I actually go in the office) as well as my water bottle, a snack, and normal purse things.  I finally got tired of carrying my purse, laptop, and water bottle into work (it's like 10 steps) and decided I needed a tote.  I didn't need one but it does make me feel more organized and put together that I am not juggling a whole bunch of things!  And this one is super cute.  It's big enough for all of that without being overly bulky.  I imagine I'll use it for other things too but for now it's nice to have a work bag...for the one morning, every other week, when I work.

4) Before Breakfast podcast 
I just wrote a whole post about podcasts, which ones I listen to and when, and then I added another.  This one is by Laura Vanderkam, who is a time management guru.  I've read all her books (I'd start with this one) and she's really changed how I view and spend my time.  This is a short, (week) daily podcast about different aspects of time management.  It's about 5 minutes if you skip the ads (which I do...) and gives me something to think about as I start my day.  I'd recommend starting with the one from May 27th "Stop using the word 'busy'" which is both annoying and something I do.  If you never feel like you have enough time, this might help change your perception of that.

5) Seche Vite nail top coat
I like having my nails painted (although, less frequently since Sam) but trying to find a time where I barely need to use my hands for an hour while they dry is a pain.  Enter this.  It's a quick dry top coat that really did help the polish dry within minutes!  I would not recommend painting your toes, putting on the top coat, and then putting on shoes within 5 minutes (I learned this the hard way) but for general going about your day, this is a big help!  I feel like my nails chipped less and the polish lasted longer too, with this.  I'm at a week still but they look better than my polish used to at a week without this.  And it was about $5.  Definitely worth getting my hands back quicker!

What have YOU been liking lately?

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