Friday, May 1, 2020

Looking Back at April

Well this was a different kind of April.  We all know what quarantine is like so there is no use in rehashing it BUT I am still delighted by all the springtime that is happening.  Looking out the window, going on bike rides/walks/runs, I am constantly amazed at the beauty in the world, especially this time of year.  I LOVE all the flowers and blooming trees, seeing the buds and the start of leaves, how many days we've been able to open windows and go outside without a jacket.  My world is mostly confined to our tiny property and when we go beyond that it's rarely beyond our neighborhood.  I ran one morning this week, on Matt's weekly day off, and I was honestly amazed my entire 3 miles at how beautiful everything is.  Life is weird but spring is still here and I love it.

Looking back:
1 year ago: Cloth Diapering, Again
2 years ago: A Star Wars/Lego/Superhero Party

3 years ago: The Right Kind of Phone Books (been doing A LOT more of these with the library closed!  Have even started reading digital picture books!)
4 years ago: Homemade Burb Cloths (Sam LOVES all the burb cloths I made.  He still wants one around all. the. time.)
5 years ago: Confession: I Love Naptime
6 years ago: Real expenses: one year of formula & diapering


1) My other Holy Saturday project, besides putting cabinets back together, was making this floral wreath with supplies I had had on hand for awhile.  And I am SO PLEASED with the results.  I don't craft much anymore but this made me want to.
2) Sam can handle harder eggs this year...but not by much. 
3) An Easter walk around the neighborhood and look at the spring beauty!
4) Grilling and eating brats outside on Easter!  A different celebration this year since we couldn't see our families but we still had a lovely day with the 4 of us!
5) And we made Resurrection Rolls on Easter Monday!  These are one of the very few ways I will consume marshmallows.
6) On a drive around the block to move my Jeep from parking in front to parking in the alley and also mail some birthday cards along the way.  I've taken pictures of these trees every spring for a long time (they aren't on our property) and it was nice to still get to see them this year!
7) Making Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cobbler, I do this every spring!
8) I usually have some time on week day morning before the boys are up, mainly for working.  But if I get my hours in, by Friday morning I just get to read and I LOVE it.   I enjoyed this book and also all the blue in the picture!  Not hard, our house is filled with blue.
9) Snow in mid April!  Significant enough snow that Luke built a snowman!  Then it all melted the next day.  A nice goodbye to winter!
10) Finishing up my Naturdays from last summer; I can only drink these in my flamingo coozie.
11) Looking up on a walk around the neighborhood.  I can not overstate how delighted I am with spring.
12) Reading, this time over Sam's naptime (I can tell by the tea).  I have gotten to read a lot over quarantine!
13) A bike ride downtown to see the tulips!  We do this every year and I am so glad we were still able to!  We stayed 6' away from anyone we crossed on our bikes and didn't touch anything here besides our bikes and the camera! (Obviously our feet touched the ground too).  So nice to see the tulips!
14) One of my favorite views, I take a picture here every spring!
15) Ok, I guess we touched this tulip too that Sam accidentally picked. 
16) And more tulips.  Their time is so short and I don't have any at home since squirrels ate all my bulbs.  Always glad to see bunches of them that I don't have to take care of!
Books finished: 14
Miles ran:
Currently watching:
I'm caught up on Grey's and Brooklyn Nine-Nine is now over for the season too.  I've started watching Take Two which has been on the DVR FOREVER (two years).  Slowly watching Lego Masters with Luke too.
Most read post this month:
Stripping: Laundry Style (I never went back and did this a year later, now 3 years later...maybe I should?)
Luke's current favorite song: Fireflies by Owl City

What will May bring?  The end of the school year, for sure.  Mother's Day (probably without seeing our mothers), our anniversary (without our annual drive-in date), and beyond that, who really knows! 

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