Thursday, June 13, 2024

Looking Back at May 2024

Well May was a blur.  A BLUR.  We had a camping trip, our anniversary, Mother's Day, the end of soccer season, the end of Luke's school band, a baseball game, a run at the zoo, the end of school, Memorial Day weekend, a trip to Kings Island, and a few days at home.  There was A LOT going on and how the month started (Matt on semester break, boys in school) was very different from how the month ended (Matt back in school, boys on summer break).  We're nearly 3 weeks into summer break and we have had very few days just at home, or even just at home during the day.  Summer is off to a busy start but also appreciating the slower times we do have!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Day in the Life #14 (one of my very last days with just Sam home)
2 years ago: Sewing a Pennant (this is still hanging up!  Usually does from the boys' March birthdays through summer break!)
3 years ago: {10} Green Changes We're Making
4 years ago: Why I Log All the Books I Read to my Kids
5 years ago: {5} Surprising Benefits to the Pre-8am School Run (I think of this post towards the end of every school year)
6 years ago: Reflections on Mother's Day (I probably link to this every May but all the feelings are still very valid.  And I cry rereading it.)
7 years ago:
Lessons in Adulting: Never Pass Up the Opportunity to Pee (I was JUST telling my boys about this, again, this weekend)
8 years ago:
Painting my Drawers (these have held up pretty well, 8 years later!)
9 years ago: Cloth Diapers - 2 years in
10 years ago:
Practically Free Organizing Boxes (I think I still have and use all of these that I made TEN years ago!)
11 years ago:
An Ode to Our (former) Jet Skis
12 years ago:
England Day 2

1) Camping in early May!  We had wonderful weather and all enjoyed returning to a campground we had previous enjoyed!
2) Beautiful early evening at camp!
3) Sam watching his brother play soccer...under a tornado watch.  They called the game once there was lightning...
4) Allium in the backyard!
5) At the drive-in for our anniversary date.  It got colder than I expected, Matt found one of the boys' winter hats in the car and I gladly wore it.  I thought my winter coat would have been overkill.  It would not have been.
6) At a baseball game with Matt's work way too soon after running a hot 5k.  It was very unpleasant to change from running clothes to baseball game clothes without a shower in between (we were trying to get to the free food before it closed!)
7) Peony!  Their season is so short but I was glad we had them!
8) Celebrating the last day of school downtown with pizza and...
9) Ice cream!
10) Had the park almost entirely to ourselves for a bit which is very rare!
11) At Kings Island, in line with Luke for the Diamondback!  My favorite roller coaster.
12) I ran over by myself to ride Orion (of their biggest that we didn't get to do until this year). It was a short line and fun experience!
13) Graeter's at Kings Island!  The only food we ever buy in the park and it always feels like college.
14) Made a super quick stop at UD on the drive back north the next day. Wearing my UD shirt in front of my old dorm! The tree I could see over 22 years ago now covers the window!
15) The chapel!  One of my favorite spots on campus, then and now.
16) A rare morning we were home AND I got in a run, shower, and reading before the boys were awake!

Books finished: 10.  Lots of things in May cut into my reading time!
Miles ran: 28.85 miles!  Getting back into a steady running routine!
Currently watching: We're still watching The Mandalorian with the boys (on season 2!) and Matt & I are still watching Welcome to Wrexham (on season 2!).
Most read post this month: Fizzy Flamingo and then Kool-Aid Cookies
Luke's current favorite song: "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath (I don't know that he has ever heard the real song, he just hums the opening to it ALL.THE.TIME.)
Sam's current favorite song: "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" by Toby Keith

June has already brought another camping trip and other fun summer stuff in the plan!