Thursday, October 3, 2024

Looking Back at September 2024

September flew by but in the way that Labor Day weekend feels like forever ago.  Lots happened!  Matt started his FINAL semester of school.  Cross country season was in full swing (6 or 7 meets this month?), I ran a lot, Matt & I did our race, Sam did his final mile (in a 16 hour period our family collectively raced about 16.86 miles), the weather finally cooled off, I've started dreaming more about Christmas, and we picked some pumpkins from the garden! (We grew fewer small ones this year, completely accidentally.)  It feels like fall and September was a good, if somewhat busy, month. 

Looking back:
1 year ago: {8} First of the Month Routines (I just did these!)
2 years ago: {9} Picture Books Featuring Ghosts
3 years ago: Travel: Alabama
4 years ago: Book Love: The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel
5 years ago: {14} Picture Books About Space
6 years ago: Organizing Temporary Items
7 years ago:
Letting Vacation Change You
8 years ago:
{5} Things that Excite Me About Fall
9 years ago: Strawberry Applesauce
10 years ago:
Perfect Blueberry Muffins
11 years ago: Becoming a One Car Household
12 years ago: Things I Really Like Right Now - September (the very first one!)

1) Putting away summer decorations at the start of the month, I really liked this shell with this potted plant in the bathroom.
2) Checking out the red pandas at the zoo!  We didn't get there nearly as much in September as in August.  School. Sports.
3) Flowers from the backyard!
4) Downtown for the Farmers Market!  Fall is my favorite time to go.
5) Embassy on Be a Tourist in Your Own Hometown day!  I love doing this event, as schedules allow.
6) Rooftop of said Embassy.  We tried this one 2 years ago but it was raining.  Great views.
7) The start of fall color! This tree by school is always on of the very first to turn.
8) Checking out my favorite tree about mid-month.  I haven't been by in awhile, need to see how far it's gotten.
9) Lemurs actually out at the zoo!  We're glad they are back, less glad at how far we have to walk to see them.  We're about 50/50 on seeing them out when we do make the trek!
10) I still have one kid that will hold my hand (but not all the time), I treasure when he actually will!
11) Beautiful fall leaves!  Trees are still pretty green here, a bit behind of last year's color change.
12) My morning glories! I haven't gotten any full dark blue ones yet but lots of these light blue ones.
13) Checked out a new local indie bookstore on it's second day opened!  So cute, will definitely be back.
14) Downtown looking nice when there for a meeting last week.
15) I have countless pictures of my kids with Johnny Tincap.  I think maybe my first with him??
16) I've run 6+ miles many times this month but when I do it in a race...I get a frozen coke.  I don't drink much pop but still love my occasional frozen coke.

Books finished: 13
Miles ran: 80.60!  The first time since June that I've hit my goal!
Currently watching: We're getting close to the end of The Mandalorian with the boys.  Matt & I are watching The Perfect Couple.
Most read post this month: August reading recap and then Kool-Aid Cookies
Luke's current favorite song:

Sam's current favorite song: 
October means Halloween, fall break, changing of sports seasons, and Matt's birthday!   Immediately followed by the start of the holiday season!

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