Thursday, April 7, 2022

Looking Back at March 2022

March was A MONTH.  We had both of the boys' birthdays.  Their annual birthday party (where it was 38° at the end of March when we had 18 kids grade school and under in our house (that's just the kids of the boys' godparents)...and somehow we all, including our house, survived).  Ash Wednesday.  St. Patrick's Day.  A sprinkling of warm days here and there (a rather small sprinkling).  We drug ourselves to spring break, just barely surviving that last week.  March had a lot going on!  But mostly good things.  Somehow just 7 weeks of school left over Luke is back from spring break AND only 4 of those are full, 5 day weeks.  Excuse me, where did the school year go?!?!?!    BUT, this March was much improved from the previous two so and I could walk just fine unlike March 10 years ago so...any March that doesn't include surgery or serious COVID restrictions is pretty good.

Looking back:
1 year ago: The Spring Switch (I did this again this year on March 1st!)
2 years ago: {10} Series I am Currently Reading (dozens of possibilities!)
3 years ago: Dingle
4 years ago: Things That Make Me Feel Like Me
5 years ago: Double Chocolate Muffins (I have some of these in my freezer!)
6 years ago: A Major Improvement to our Pantry (cupboard)
7 years ago: There's an Ugly Side to Raising Kids
8 years ago:
IKEA (we drove past TWO (different) IKEAs on Sunday!)
9 years ago: Making Room for Baby & Some Other Stuff (written after Luke was born but before we knew him!)
10 years ago:
Paperwork is In! (This was SO STRESSFUL)

1) The morning of March 1st, one last time with the Valentine's hearts up and porch lights on!  These all came down later this morning and Sam was SO delighted to help with the hearts!
2) This was also my March - continually getting beat at Memory (although this may have been a time I actually beat him, it's maybe 40% of the time I manage to do that, even with REALLY trying).
3) Beautiful sunset from the backyard!
4) We went to Mass downtown on Ash Wednesday because that's what worked with our schedule (besides Luke who went at school).  It was a gorgeous day!
5) I go to our Cathedral very rarely, I think it had been 10 years and that was for a wedding.  Very pretty.
6) Being crafty while having a boy party with 2 of Sam's similar aged cousins right after his birthday.  The boys won't admit it, but I did 75% of this craft.
7) And doing some crafts on my own!  Matt had the boys at a museum for the morning and I watched Morning Glory and worked on a sewing project that I hope makes the blog soon!
8) This was a very fun puzzle to do once I figured out a strategy! (Lego puzzle - affiliate link)
9) Reading on the porch - got to do this occasionally in March! 
10) Also a big part of the month - drilling Luke on his multiplication flash cards.  But it paid off, he was 4th in his class of 21 to pass all the facts up to x12s! 
11) THINGS ARE GROWING!  Especially excited about all the new bulbs I planted last fall!
12) My Dad made us a new bird feeder to go up next to our long hanging (and used!) bird house!
13) Ironing for my sewing project that spread through much of the month.  Sam had NO IDEA what an iron was...I do it VERY rarely.
14) Walking around downtown on a rare beautiful day for our March date!
15) My lilac is also greening up!
16) I am always delighted when I accidentally have enough fruit for a random fruit salad.

Books finished: 14
Miles ran: 10.2!  Back at it when the weather and hair washing schedule line up right!
Currently watching: I am only behind ONE episode of Grey's Anatomy AND I'm all caught up with The Office Ladies podcast (as of this writing).  I feel pretty on top of it right now.
Most read post this month: Still Stripping: Laundry Style followed by Reading Recap - February 2022
Luke's current favorite song:
According to him, "We Will Rock You" by Queen.
Sam's current favorite song: He frequently sings portions of "We Will Rock You" which is pretty hilarious.

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