Thursday, April 6, 2023

Looking Back at March 2023

March is ALL about birthdays!  Both boys have March birthdays, one at the start and one at the end, which means we do quite a bit of celebrating.  Especially this year since they both had "milestone" birthdays at 5 and 10.  That meant a friend party for each as well as their shared grand/god parent birthday party that we do every year.  Plus their actual birthdays.  It was A LOT of celebrating (and we did two of those parties nearly back to back, just a 30 minute gap between.  I was literally running around our little house to switch things over).  BUT...March can be such an ehhhhhh month, you want it to be spring (and I consider it spring) but the weather rarely cooperates with that.  So having birthdays to celebrate is always fun.  Our boys are getting old! 

March was also the end of wrestling (our nights are a lot easier now!), meeting a new niece, and some snow!  Lots going on but looking forward to really enjoying spring!

Looking back:
1 year ago: The Hardest Working Rooms in Our House
2 years ago: My FatFitFun Experience (I'm still using #3, used up #4, and #8 might be in my make-up bag.  I don't have any of the rest of it.)
3 years ago: Corona Quarantine - Week #2 (SO GLAD I documented these early weeks!)
4 years ago: Dingle (our favorite place we visited in Ireland)
5 years ago: Things That Make Me Feel Like Me (when Sam was TINY)
6 years ago: Chairs with History (my aunt just complimented these last week!)
7 years ago: A Major Improvement to Our Pantry (Cupboard) (still mostly looks like this!)
8 years ago:
Covering Books with Fabric (I still have all of these!)
9 years ago: Top Five...Place I Want to Visit (International) (I haven't been to any of these...I haven't traveled internationally since kids either.)
10 years ago:
Making Room for Baby & Some Other Stuff (Luke was born when I wrote this but we didn't know that yet!)
11 years ago:
Paperwork is in (What we didn't know then about the adoption waits...)

1) Hot pretzels with cheese were one of the redeeming factors of wrestling season (and watching my kid do something he enjoys, that too.)
2) A dusting of snow!
3) Prepping for the first birthday party of the month!
4) Foxy cupcakes for the big 5 year old!
5) The first flower I spotted of the year!  Not in our yard though, nothing has bloomed here yet!
6) Hey! More snow (very typical of Indiana in March!)
7) Watching the Dayton Flyers on TV, thanks to my sister (who didn't go there) telling me about it! (They lost.)
8) This puzzle has such pretty pieces.
9) Back to reading on the porch, sometimes.
10) Working on a new puzzle (that still isn't done...) and watching Morning Glory!
11) Hyacinths smell like Easter.  These are not in my yard either.
12) After asking many times, Matt finally got me to Costco.  (We bought a membership to get cheap tires.)  I wasn't impressed.  Had to show my sister what we were buying (the oranges were good).
13) Also the smoothie was fine, not fresh like Jamba Juice...
14) Sometimes I guilt work into buying me donuts.
15) Peach sorbet for finally getting in another run.  The difference between stroller runs and non-stroller runs, especially when I'm just getting back into it, is HUGE.
16) A GORGEOUS Sunday with lovely weather and sunshine.  More of this please!

Books finished: 14
Miles ran:
not as much as I would have liked, due to weather, but 3.75!  It's something!
Currently watching:
We just finished Shrinking and are now in the middle of seasons 3 of Ted Lasso and The Mandalorian.  Which is a pretty good night of TV!
Most read post this month: February Reading Recap, Stripping: Laundry Style was bumped to second!
Luke's current favorite song:
"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses
Sam's current favorite song:  "We Will Rock You" by Queen.  A common pick of his.

April brings EASTER (the end of lent!), warmer weather (it has to), yardwork, and hopefully lots of time outside!

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