Monday, February 3, 2025

Things Saving my Winter

This has been a weird start to winter with December just being crazy with Matt finishing school and then January brought a new homeschool challenge to my days (I still shock myself occasionally when I remember that we are doing stills feels little crazy).  Some days are certainly easier than others and today was...not one of those easy days.  But it was also 56° and didn't feel like winter so maybe that's just how it balances out.  Linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy for a few things saving my winter (although I am ADAMANT that winter is over on February 28th and spring starts March 1st.  Nobody can change my mind on this.)

1) Matt not being in school
It was a hard 16 months, especially the final few weeks in December which was crazy for a number of other reasons too and then Christmas as well.  But him not being in school anymore and actually being a present member of our family has been WONDERFUL.  The boys appreciate seeing him more.  I appreciate him helping with the boys and anything else around the house more.  And we no longer have to schedule our lives around his classes.  It is amazing.

2) Cleaning the basement/getting rid of things
The first big post-school project that Matt has tackled has been working on the basement, a continual problem area in our house.  We got some shelves from my aunt's house and that lead to massive purging and cleaning out, which has been motivating for both of us.  Just making decisions on things, getting things out of the house, having less.  This has mostly been aimed at the basement but we've also gotten more ruthless in other parts of the house too, as inspiration strikes.  It's very freeing.  


 3) My tea schedule
I am already looking forward to tomorrow morning's tea.  It's English Breakfast shortly after breakfast and Lemon Lift at lunch.  Sometimes one or both of those hit the microwave at least once (it's a very fine line between burning my mouth and it being too cold!) but I look forward to both my cups of tea, every day.

4) Harry Potter on audio
I started reading Harry Potter to Luke about 2 years ago, and with a few other books in there, we just finished Order of the Phoenix.  It's been slow going.  Now that he's home with me and we're in the car more, just the two of us, I borrowed from the library the audiobook of first, Order of the Phoenix and now Half-Blood Prince for us to listen to to help us keep the momentum going.  It's maybe only one or two chapters a week this way, just driving to/from homeschool swim and maybe the orthodontist, but it really has helped the momentum going the most.  It would have been nearly impossible to do before (there just isn't much time it's just us in the car) but I'm glad we finally realized we should do it now. 

5) Get Healthy U TV workouts
This has been my non-running workout of choice for the past year and I especially love the mornings I am not so rushed for time (i.e. over school breaks, two hour delay, or elearning day) so I can do a slightly longer one.  I still love running when it's nice outside but these have been wonderful for working on some muscle groups that running tones less (upper body and core, namely) and giving me some full body workouts especially when I'm not running.  I don't always get out of bed in time to do as much as I'd like but I do appreciate the days I do.  

6) Reading
I've never not had this on my list and it continues to be true this year.  Reading settles my brain like nearly nothing else and I get so anxious on days too busy to fit it in.  My brain needs that break away from thinking about everything else.  

7) No Sports
In addition to Matt being done with school, we are also on a nice long break from sports, given Luke's homeschooling.  It was a BIG change from him playing basketball and Matt in school to all of a sudden being done with both within a week of each other.  We have our nights at home again now!  Most nights I can put on my lazy pants as soon as I get Sam from school!  It doesn't mean our nights always go smoothly but it does let us get in more of a more consistent routine than we had been able to for quite awhile between both those scheduling crunches. 

What's been saving YOUR life?

Winter 2024 List
Winter 2023 List
Winter 2022 List
Winter 2021 List
Winter 2020 List
Winter 2019 List
Winter 2018 List
Winter 2017 List