January felt like a very long month. Why does that happen every year? It is the cold? Is it the lack of sunlight? Is it the return to normal after Christmas festivities? I am not sure but the month seemed to drag and I was STILL surprised at all we fit into the month and that was with being home A LOT. We were in Indy, had a family fun day, started homeschool, Matt got his first office and then 2 weeks later the position to go with it (a result of his recently finished schooling), more homeschooling, some snow, some e-learning, and wrestling camp for our 1st grader. The stuff that happened at the beginning of the month feels a very long time ago now.
Looking back:
1 year ago: {14} Valentine Picture Books
2 years ago: Picture Books: Snowmen
3 years ago: Author Love: Sara Ackerman
4 years ago: Things I Like - January (because I still wear #1 daily in the winter)
5 years ago: Book Love: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
6 years ago: The Whole House Purge (I feel like this hasn't stopped in 6 years)
7 years ago: Book Love: The Power of Moments by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
8 years ago: A Day in the Life #6
9 years ago: Book Love: Big Magic (also, why I think you should blog)
10 years ago: A Decade in a Box
11 years ago: Office Renovations (I've updated a few pictures in frames but otherwise this largely looks the same, 11 years later.)
12 years ago: Things I Like - January (I/we still have #s 2-5)
2) Eating lunch at Electric Works which we always do on our January family fun day.
3) And went to the botanical gardens! Which we also always do this day.
4) The cactus room is the most boring one but the cactus are cool.
5) We also usually bowl on family fun day. I won thanks to bumpers (Luke & Sam had them too, Matt did not).
6) Every year we watch Beauty and the Beast while taking down the tree. Which usually leads to the boys watching the movie while I take everything off the tree.
7) Celebrating one Grandma's 100th birthday in dishes from my other Grandma!
8) Reading at weekly swim lessons (Luke's a decent swimmer but does weekly homeschool swim lessons right now for a winter activity.)
9) So many beautiful green dishes we got from my aunt's house (formerly my Grandma's dishes). They are a perfect shade of green (we did not keep nearly all of these...and it doesn't include the bulk of the ones we did keep).
10) The gutters were overflowing (we should look at that...) and creating massive icicles in this bush.
11) A donut shaped donut at work.
12) Some snow, there was more snow, it melted, then some more snow. But it's been awhile since we had enough for the boys to play in.
13) Downtown for a BIL's 50th birthday party, checking out a new place (it was loud but great views).
14) Running in the cold. I wore a lot of layers. Luke wouldn't go with me.
15) A 2 hour delay day, got Sam to read with me on the couch before needing to get around for school.
16) Dining local but at home, these tacos covered 3 meals for me! (And I think Luke had one too).
Miles ran: 2! That's enough for how cold January was.
Currently watching: Matt & I just finished Shrinking season 2 (we got AppleTV for a month to do so). I'm not sure what's next!
Most read post this month: Reading Recap: November & December then DIY Strawberries & Cream Instant Oatmeal