Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bathroom update: ceiling, laundry chute, and insulation

If you were to have come to our house a week ago and then again this week you would probably think not much progress has been made in the bathroom.  There is still no tub, no tile, no walls.  But progress is being made, Matt is putting in crazy hours working in there, probably 24 on just Saturday and Sunday alone.  It's basically all he does besides eat, sleep, and work.  Maybe a little time with Luke in there.  Luke gets really excited for Daddy time and isn't happy when he's stuck back with me while Matt works.

Things that have gotten done in the last week:
-electrical might (fingers crossed, knock on wood) FINALLY be done.  That took a week alone.
-ceiling is up but not mudded or sanded yet
-Matt's been working on the shelf that will be in the extra space next to the tub.  We bought a shorter than standard tub (turns out our last tub was short too) so we'd have a few extra inches for this.
-insulation has been replaced on the wall across from the toilet
-holes are drilled in the floor for the plumbing
-Matt did spacers on the mudroom wall where the tub plumbing will run so we can put more insulation in hopes of preventing the pipes from freezing
-working on getting a laundry chute put in under the shower shelf which will go directly to the basement.  It'll have a little door to pull open and drop stuff in.  This is something we debated about for awhile and didn't settle on until recently.  Pretty excited for less to carry to the basement on laundry days!

We also got the garage cleaned up enough to fit one car in which is one more than we've had in there the last 2+ weeks.  That's pretty exciting.  We've stuffed our trash bin the past 2 weeks with old insulation and lats.  I'm vacuuming almost daily to clean up the construction mess that is tracked all over the house.  We might be close to having a tub installed (no surround) so we might be able to take baths at home before too long.  This is incredibly exciting. 

Up next is finishing the tub shelf and working on the sink & tub plumbing.  Maybe getting drywall up before too long too.  We have, probably overly ambitious, plans to be tiling, both floor and shower surround, before too long.  Exciting to think about being to that point but as we've learned so far, every little step takes forever.  Even after we are back to a functional point (working shower, sink/vanity installed, toilet actually flushes) there will still be plenty of work to do like painting, adding shelves, etc.  But focusing on the functional part for now. =)

Yes, this project sucks.  Living without a shower is both as bad and not as bad as it sounds.  If I heard someone else was doing this I would think they were crazy and say I could never handle it myself.  But we've had this project in mind since we first saw the bathroom.  We prepared ourselves mentally.  There are parts that suck a lot but we've managed.  It's like having one car, we manged and then when we got two we remembered how nice it was to have two.  Someday it'll all be worth it.  I went in not expecting this to be done until the end of July so I'm not freaking out yet.  I don't know what I'm looking forward to more: having a finished bathroom or having my husband back.  It will be wonderful when that day comes.


Lauren said...

Hang in there lady! I can totally tell it's going to be worth it and an amazing bathroom when you guys are done!!!!

diana said...

I hope so! We have actually been making pretty good progress this week and finally things are starting to shape up!!