This is the 4th year I've documents a BLANK in 20BLANK year list on the blog. And, while I've never gotten 100%, every year I do get a little bit closer than the year before.
20 in 2020 | How I Did (85.75%)
Again, I am blaming 2018's failure on the surprise baby we got in March of that year (surprise as in, we had been waiting 3½ years on adoption waiting lists and we had spent SO LONG not getting a baby that, even though we had continued to update our profile and paperwork annually, getting that baby was a COMPLETE SURPRISE).
Luckily, since then I have gotten better at predicting what we can get done in a given year (i.e. lowering my expectations although, to be fair to my prior self, 2017 was a VERY productive year for us and if we hadn't gotten a baby I'm sure 2018 would have been as well). We are also more productive as the boys grow and need less constant attention.
I've vetted most of this list with Matt, since he plays a large role in many of them getting done. Meaning, I'm going to be relying on his labor while I do all the thinking. That's only slightly a stretch (I will plant things! And do most of the required internet shopping.). Even though we've agreed on one of these items for MANY years and it still hasn't been completed!
Here we go!
Inside Home Things
1) Replace lights in the stairs
redid all the walls and ceiling in our stairs 10 years ago. It was
paneling when we bought the house and took us 4+ years but eventually
got it down and drywalled it. Matt's (college age at the time) nephew
was helping us a lot with this project and went to Lowes with us once
(one of many times we went for that project). We needed lights for the
stairs and we walked down the light aisle, pointed to the lights we have
and said "those". Said nephew told us that was the fastest he's seen
anyone pick out lights, his parents take weeks or months. At the time I
took pride in our quick decision making. Now, I take
weeks/months/years to make decisions about lights. We almost replaced
these last year but then the shipping cost was ridiculous but at least
we kinda know what we want? I KNOW I can make light decisions in less
than a year! Seeing as I (kinda) did it last year (after I spent a year mentally debating what to do about the light.)
is the FOURTH year this has been on the list (although, originally, it
was replace the coffee AND end table and we did replace the coffee table
over a year ago). We have agreed on a design, Matt might have enough
wood. I don't think there is anything ahead of it on the project list. I reallllly want this one done.
3) Figure out boys' bed situation & make it happen
will be 3 in 6 weeks (what????) and is still sleeping in his crib.
This is longer than Luke slept in a crib (I said I was going to potty
train Sam earlier than Luke. Luke we started 2 days after he turned
2½. Sam we started three days BEFORE he turned 2½. I made no promises
to myself on timing of getting him out of a crib). Sam's only climbed
out once, well over a year ago, scared himself and hasn't tried since. I
like that he's contained for bedtime. I LOVE that he's contained for
nap time. BUT, he's not going to last until he's almost 4 in his crib
so this is the year he needs out of his crib. The boys share a room (I
believe it is 125 square feet, 25 square feet bigger than it legally
needs to be in the state of Indiana!) that will best be served with a
bunk bed. We have agreed on that and where in the room it will go. We
have not decided if Matt will be building it or how soon we need said
bunk bed. Also, need the bunk bed.
got new nightstands last year and I like everything about them besides
the pulls. They are too small. Not for function but just visually.
Ideally I'd like to get the same pulls we have on our bedroom closet and
cupboard but those need 2 screw holes and I don't want to mess with
patching the night stand finish so I need something with only one. I
haven't started looking for these yet but seems like it should be pretty
straight forward.
5) Replace dish drainer
dish drainer dates back nearly 15 years, to when we closed on our house
(!!!). It has never fit the sink right (22 year old us didn't care or
think to take measurements before) and also has wear from 15 years of
use. I'd really like this replaced, with one that actually fits. Fifteen years was a good run for something that never quite worked.
6) Travel map
many years has this been on the list?? A lot. I know pretty much what
I want, I know where it will end up going (if the next item happens
like I've mentally planned) and I know where it can go in the interim. I
just need some computer time for some searching to find what I'm
looking for.
I haven't changed up our front room walls since adding our shelves 3 years ago. The walls I am considering changing haven't been updated in 6 and 13 years, respectively. I'm also rethinking some walls on the stairs. Basically, I want to move around a whole lot of picture frames and patch as few as holes as possible. Also, spend a relatively small amount of money. I haven't decided which are highest priority so I'm just hoping to get one done this year. It might hinge on spray painting some current frames so I don't have to go out and buy all new ones. I'm excited for this.
Yard Things
8) Plant hyacinths
are some of my very favorite flowers and one of my very favorite smells
yet we don't have any. I really want some. I usually buy a few
already blooming from Lowes in the spring, except last spring since we
weren't going to stores besides the grocery and by the time I did get to
Lowes for my flowers, hyacinths were out of season. Plus, those aren't
great for planting. I need to plant bulbs in the fall. 9) Put in Sandbox
This IS a repeat from last year but one we are determined to make happen this year. Almost 7 years ago we bought a Little Tikes sandbox from Toys R Us and that thing has gotten so much play in the time since. Both boys even, kinda, play in it together even thought it's pretty small. Luke also LOVES digging under "his" swing on the swing set, if I put this off many more years he might have the whole sandbox dug out for us. The lines we spray-painted last summer to mark the boundaries have long since been mowed off but we know generally where we want it and we know where to get sand, we just don't know where all the displaced dirt is going.
10) Plant in garden beds
need some dirt to top these off (ideally from digging out the sandbox)
and then these are ready to plant. Matt put a lot of work into making
them and now I need to put some work into making something grow in them. We were just discussing last night what we should plant. Definitely tomatoes, lettuce, and sunflowers. I have to keep reminding them that we don't have space for pumpkins, watermelons, and corn! (Every time I mention any vegetable we are eating for supper Sam tells me "I only like corn on the cob." Which IS delicious, but not in January.) 11) Put out rain barrel
When our neighbors moved out 2 years ago they gave us their rain barrel. This was in December so we couldn't set it up right away. And then it has continued to sit in the garage ever since. We even know where it is going! Just need to make it happen. Will even be near the new raised beds which should be helpful!
Last October I emptied our 9 year old compost bin into the newly finished raised garden beds. Turns out, completely ignoring your compost besides continually adding to it, still gives you dirt! Also, peach pits DO NOT decompose, at least for me. We still need to do something with all the compost from the top of the bin since that hadn't decomposed yet AND we are continually making more compost so we need to system for all of that. Something that is easier to turn over so we will use it sooner than another 9 years. Right now all the non-composted compost is in the old garden, which also has a bunch of sod torn up for the raised beds. We did A LOT of dirt moving last fall and still have more to go.
13) Hang Christmas lights on the playhouse
Well this would just be fun and adorable. They'd have to be battery or solar lights since there is not an outlet anywhere near the playhouse (besides the garage and house...both of which aren't THAT far due to a small yard. Except I don't want extension cords all over the yard since the boys still play outside when the weather is nice or there is snow.).
14) Replace our vehicle
Ok, here's the thing. We already did this. TECHNICALLY in 2020 but it was SO CLOSE to the end of the year and I already had it on my list for 2021 when we did that. And we haven't actually been to the BMV to finalize switching the plates yet SOOO...I think I can leave it on my list. I really liked my Jeep but it needed $2000 of suspension work that we had been putting off for over a year (we did do the recommended brake work, don't gamble on those) because we knew we needed to replace it with something that would fit 3 kids better. (Jeep had enough seat belts but with car seats/booster, etc. it would have been too tight). We had been looking for over a year and ended up spending less than we had budgeted AND IT IS BLUE which still makes me so happy. And heated seats have my whole heart. They are the best.
15) Figure out a ponytail
I hate washing my hair. I like having clean hair but hate the act of dealing with wet hair. And I can't blow dry mine if I am leaving it wavy, which I do almost all the time. Winter and wet hair is no fun. And planning my hair washing around mornings we are home besides the school run since I hate being out with wet hair. So I am stretching out my washings (at least until I start running again) and need a better ponytail method. I think this will require some YouTube tutorials and practice but I'd really like a better ponytail game.
16) Do something with the boys' art
I started this project at least a year ago, pulling together all the boys' art. Luke, especially, at almost 8 has A LOT of drawings. And I've saved nearly all of them. I KNOW. Ideally I'd like to only keep their best work but have a hard time parting with all the rest (I KNOW). I'm thinking photographing them and compiling in a photobook but that is also a lot of work AND I want it to be fully comprehensive which is impossible because it just is. I keep telling myself "don't let perfect be the enemy of done" but still haven't taken any steps to get it done. And I have a massive pile of art back in my desk. I'd really like this resolved this year.
On Going
Here's the thing. I like getting rid of things. Going through closets and cupboards, weeding out the things that we don't or rarely use. Narrowing down choices on clothes. I do that all especially this time of the year. The problem is actually getting these things out of our house. We also aim to metal recycle as much as we can, which Matt then takes in (the money doesn't matter as much as keeping it out of landfills). We also have PILES of that in both the garage and the basement. Then there are other things that we aim to recycle like toothbrushes and empty beauty products I collect for Terracycle. Paper we save for my brother-in-law's school paper gator collection. My used shots from my RA/psoriasis meds, milk jugs we are saving for my sister's request. Random cords, batteries, CDs, printer cartridges, etc., all of which can be recycled but need separated out. AND I am way overdue on a Goodwill type donation. It's not so much figuring out what to get rid of, it's just actually getting rid of the things we've determined we want out of the house. I DID learn I can put my sharps containers in the trash so I did that this morning. One tiny step! We need to get more out of the house.
18) Go on 8 dates
I am pretty proud we managed our 6 dates last year, even without the generous counting I needed to get to 4 in 2019! And in a pandemic!! Matt's new work schedule has been very helpful with this. Since he's been on that we've done dates on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday morning, Thursday, and Monday. Most of which only required a sitter for Sam. Now, we're aiming for 8 dates. Already have the first on the calendar with a sitter (my Mom) lined up! These will be easier when it warms up and we can comfortably eat outside!
19) Finish 4 photobooks (2020, Sam, Luke, vacation)
Sometimes I just like giving myself a semi-easy item. This might only be 3, depending on if we get a vacation this year. Hopefully my 2020 book is ordered by the end of the month! I just need to cut it down 4 pages!
20) Get food from local restaurant once a monthWe got more serious about supporting local restaurants last year, as little as we eat out (/pick up food to eat at home/in a park). This year we're aiming for once a month which is more than we generally eat out. Most of these will probably be on our dates. In the summer the sno-cone place might count in a pinch.
21) Add 12 recipes to Instant Pot rotation
When my crock pot was dying last fall I replaced it with an Instant Pot since it was on sale and could do more than just a crock pot. For the first two months we mainly used it to cook potatoes which is FINE because I LOVE a good potato (mashed is the best, then baked). I need to expand my recipes beyond potatoes though so am actively working on finding and using more recipes.
There we go! Excited for what I might be able to get done this year! If you make any type of list like this I'd love to see it! Let's cheer each other on!