Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Looking Back at July 2024

It is August.  Nearly halfway into August!  July was a blur of a month with Matt having an intense school week, the boys doing vacation Bible school at church, and also a vacation!  Plus trying to get ahead of back to school things and soaking up what we had left of summer!  I knew July would fly when I was planning our summer and it really did.  

Looking back:
1 year ago: Looking Back at June 2023 (my only post this whole month)
2 years ago: Things I Like - July 2022 (my BELOVED sweatshirt I still take on every camping trip and LOVE).
3 years ago: What to Do With Fresh Peaches (I am going to be making sorbet today!)
4 years ago: Backyard String Lights - a How-To and Shopping List
5 years ago: {5} Times I Got the America Feeling
6 years ago: On Fridays I Wear Blue (I've changed the blue shirts but I do still do this most every week)
7 years ago:
{25} (More) Things About Me
8 years ago:
Friday Five: Childhood Vacation Places I'm Most Looking Forward to Revisiting (we just went back to the OBX!) (And I wrote 22 posts this July!)
9 years ago: Things I Like - July (I just tried to wear #2 to a wedding this past weekend and one of them broke when we were already at church (but Matt could bring me a different pair of shoes).  Luckily, I think they can be glued and I can keep wearing them.) (I picked this post solely to tell that story.)
10 years ago: Reasons Why the Drive-In is Awesome (And You Should Go)
11 years ago: Getting Rid of Stuff (our basement is no longer this clean)


1) My flowers blooming so well!  They do not look quite this good anymore.
2) Got donuts to celebrate the 4th of July.  Donuts are good for any celebration.
3) Our 4th of July dessert tray.  I go ALL IN on the red, white, and blue for the 4th. 
4) See! Red, white, and blue!  All in.  Also, very in on blueberries on my cereal this summer.
5) Fireworks at my bff's annual BBQ.  Always fun!
6) I was delighted by all the blue in the picture (this isn't too hard, I surround my life with blue). 
7) The boys got really into crab apples when visiting Matt during his college week.  Were we supposed to be picking the crab apples??  Who knows.  We left behind WAY MORE than we took. (Which was like 2 handfuls total.)
8) Maybe the latest evening run I've ever done, I much prefer mornings, but the sunset was nice!
9) An afternoon visit to Notre Dame!  I had only been once before, in high school, and it was fun (and hot) to walk around.
10) The Basilica at Notre Dame is STUNNING.  Also, great air conditioning.
11) Renewed our zoo pass and made quite a few trips before school started!  Red pandas are always a favorite.
12) The Outer Banks!  I'll have more to say about this, eventually!
13) Bodie Island Lighthouse, I love a good lighthouse.
14) A rare morning reading before the boys were awake.  With running and various schedules...this didn't happen much this summer!
15) A peacock at the zoo, I am always delighted to see them in all their splendor.
16) Raspberries going CRAZY in the backyard.  Regularly picking a good handful and eating straight from the bush.  For bushes we got for free, this is pretty fun. 

Books finished: 13
Miles ran: 51.75, barely more than June but I had to give up on hitting my 60 mile goal after messing up my knee playing in the waves on vacation.  I'm back to running now but took a week off in late July/early August for it to heal!
Currently watching: It was a lot of Olympics!  We haven't gotten back to anything since that's been over.
Most read post this month: Fizzy Flamingo (I continue to be baffled by this) and then Kool-Aid Cookies (not baffled by that, those cookies are great).
Luke's current favorite song:
"Paranoid" by Black Sabbath.  This is very guitar related.
Sam's current favorite song:  "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.  This is solely because it's one of the few songs Luke can play (part of) on his electric guitar.

August has brought SCHOOL.  Also, a family wedding already (Matt, Luke, and Sam all had a part!) and soon Matt's final semester break!  Getting close to him being 75% done!!!!  He's even agreed that Christmas will be extra exciting this year.

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