Thursday, October 19, 2023

Fall 2023/Winter 2024 Clothes Shopping

FASHION.  I have been making these lists for 8 years and I have never been more confused by what is "in" and what stores are selling (and not selling).  I've been at Kohls twice lately for pickup orders (do not sleep on Kohls...they were a staple of my high school years and they have become on again.  It's where my beloved sweatshirt is from) and the amount of clothes that look like they time traveled there from about 1999 is...mind boggling.  Like seriously, it feels like some of the exact same clothes down to the style and color of pants. 

I've been wearing only skinny jeans for 10 years, my whole wardrobe is based around the fit and cut of skinny jeans.  My sweaters and shoes all work with my skinny jeans.  And NOW we are back to flares?!?!?!?  You know what the problem is with flares??  Just wait until there is snow on the ground and your pants are wet halfway to your knee.  With salt marks.  THAT is the problem with flares.  Every time I think maybe I should try them again (I did love them for a solid decade plus from high school until...10 years ago) I remember how terrible they are in rain or snow.  

Although, I have also been deeply devoted to my flair like yoga pants, for almost our entire (17 year) marriage.  I have own a black pair for at least the last 12 years, replacing them AS SOON AS they wear out (I think I'm on my 3rd).  I wear these constantly and never switched those over to leggings.  Although I also only wear these in my house or to run something to the trash bin or whatever.  I ALSO still have these black flare pants I bought at Kohls, on clearance, approximately TWENTY YEARS AGO.  I think they were like $8.  I wore them for a solid 10 years regularly, including daily to my office job for a few years, and couldn't get rid of them when I got rid of the rest of my flares...and I have pulled those out again and wore them.  Haha, I'm down to pennies per wear at this point on those.  And if I had hung onto my flares I probably WOULD wear them again...I'm just not sure I want to commit to a new jean silhouette.   That seemingly requires different shoes as well!  It's not like I follow fashion that closely but this whole jean shake-up is...A LOT.  Maybe my 40s will be my "I don't care" decade.  We'll see!

Before I lament jeans some more...let's check in with my spring/summer list

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1) Rain coat
No, I still hadn't bought one although I keep thinking it would be SO NICE to own. 

2) 2ish tank tops
I bought two!  The green is J Crew Factory and I had it before I wrote my spring shopping list.  Then I bought this blue one later in the summer.  It's no longer on Kohl's website. 

3) 2ish dresses
I bought 3, returned 1 so 2ish was correct!  I LOVE the teal J Crew Factory on the right and wore it A LOT.  Then I bought a blue sundress in July that I LOVED and wore that one a lot.  I forgot about it because it's not sleeveless dress weather here anymore (we have our heat on) but I will be delighted to pull it out again in the spring!

4) 2ish t-shirts
Have I already bought one?  Yes.  The other, from Amazon, isn't really a t-shirt but it's t-shirt shaped so I am counting it here.  This is what I wore with my 20 year old $8 black flares!  (If you are sensing a color theme with most of my purchases...that is correct.)  I like the fit and would consider it in more colors if I thought my closet needed that!


Only two!  I bought the fascinator to wear while watching the coronation and the coral sandals I wrote about here

NOW...Fall/Winter 2023:

1) Raincoat
Some day I will actually buy this.

2) Dress for nephew's wedding
We have a nephew getting married this fall (the third fall in a row we've had one!) and I think I'd like a new dress for it.  Later fall weddings are hard I think because I'd like to look nice but also be warm.  (With more weddings coming next year!)  (I already bought this one from ThredUp.)

3) A thinner black sweater to wear with my Christmas skirt
Last year I wore this skirt with a grey sweater, black heels and black tights.  It worked fine but this year I think I'd like to do all black with the green?  I'm going to try it.  Maybe 7-8 years ago I bought a grey sweater from Target that seems like this one and it's still a cooler weather staple.  Great for layering. 

4) Two Sweaters, one being grey
I don't have a thicker grey sweater and that would be nice to add to my sweater rotation.  And it's just inevitable that I'll buy another (already have...).  Sweaters are a STAPLE when I'm dressing up more than my daily sweatshirts.  And maybe I need some that aren't blue...

5) A Sweatshirt
Again, this is what I wear 75% of the time I am not in pajamas/lounge clothes.  Basically anytime I'm not going to church or work or sleeping...I'm wearing a sweatshirt in the winter.

6) SOME jean that isn't skinny
I don't know, maybe I'll dip my baby toe into the new jean trends.  I DON'T KNOW.  I obviously have a lot of conflicting feelings on this!  I bought some kick flares from Target but haven't worn them yet and already their window seems to have passed because it's getting to the point where I often want my ankles covered.  Also, they are no longer on Target's website.  WE'LL SEE.

7) Sneakers
I have been very devoted to my Converse (look how white they used to be!), especially since COVID when my wardrobe got a lot more casual (hence my sweatshirt collection).  I wore them to hike ALL OVER Acadia last summer, to the point where Matt had to glue them together when we got home (I now own hiking boots.)  However, they are getting more worn out from daily wear over many springs & falls and maybe updating my shoes would help my skinny jeans look more modern??  I DON'T KNOW.  But maybe I'll try it.  

This list is some sticking to what I've been wearing forever with a lot of I DON'T KNOWS.  This season especially feels like a bit of a crap shoot so we'll see what comes of it!  

Spring 2023

Fall 2022
Spring 2022

Fall 2021
Spring 2021

Fall 2020
Spring 2020

Fall 2019
Spring 2019

Fall 2018
Spring 2018

Fall 2017
Spring 2017

Fall 2016
Spring 2016