Well, it's been a year since I first started ranting about the place non-skinny jeans have in stores and in fashion right now. And I finally KEPT some of the non-skinny jeans (one pair) that I've bought (of nearly 15 I tried). A lot of my wardrobe has stayed the same but at least I finally have a different jean cut to mix in. I don't know if I'll try the wide leg ones, I'm happy with my flares for now but who knows. A year ago I didn't think I'd try those.
Checking in my spring/summer 2024 list:
1) A dress for a niece's wedding
This was from ThredUp and I wore it to the intended wedding! Matt & Luke both have blue suits so we all somewhat coordinated. (Sam was a ring bearer and borrowed a black suit from cousins so he didn't match our color scheme exactly but I wasn't going to buy a suit that he was going to outgrow within a year. Luke is growing much slower so I did buy him one last year.)
2) 2ish Tank Tops
I only bought one! From Old Navy but wore it quite a bit, I think the colors worked well for me.
3) 2ish Crew Neck t-shirts
Bought a Madewell t-shirt from Zappos (in mineral blue, naturally) and 2 from Kohls. I wore the blue ones a lot more than the green.
4) A different cut of jeans
flares I finally kept! What finally triggered it was that we were
walking home from school and I saw a girl wearing a pair that just hit
perfectly and I was finally motivated. I ordered 9 pairs from two
stores within a few days. It took me awhile to try them all on but
found one pair I liked
enough to keep and I've even worn them so I am committed now. I still
have A LOT of thoughts of the resurgence of flares but for now, I am
tolerating them. Plus, they keep my ankles warmer than my beloved
skinnies! I still wear skinnies most of the time (just less fabric to deal with!) but flares are a nice option to have too. We'll see in the spring check-in how much I ended up wearing them!
5) A sundress
I didn't buy one! Just dyed a dress I already had!
I didn't even buy a single extra item! Has that happened before?? I don't know that it has!!
For my fall 2024/winter 2025 list...
1) A dress for A wedding
We have THREE niece/nephew (not to each other) weddings in the first part of 2025 and I cannot buy a dress for all of these (I haven't for all the past ones either). It gets challenging because I have an idea in mind that I am going to wear but then we get the dress code and it's cocktail (we have one upcoming that will be the 3rd one) and then my plan goes out the window. But I THINK I have an idea of what I'm wearing to each unless we get more dress code surprises. I think I'm buying a dress for one (Matt's goddaughter) and already own something that will work for the others. (I already bought this one, on sale).
2) 1-2 sweaters
Still looking for that elusive grey sweater. I want cable knit or something similar, smooth over lumps and bumps better, and I already own a lighter weight grey sweater. I did already buy the one above, from ThredUp, which is darn close to my favorite sweatshirt color but in a sweater form.
3) Jeans
I could use a pair of skinny jeans, not distressed, that I can easily tuck into boots. I AM going to keep wearing these boots constantly once it's cold and I want jeans that tuck in easily, which flares won't. Also maybe already bought these to use up ThredUp credit when I had a code for free shipping.
4) Tops that work with flares??
Do I even know what this is?? No, I do not. But I *think* maybe tops that hit a little higher?? I am not entirely sure and I do not like the idea of needing a bunch of new tops to work with a different jean cut (partially what kept me from branching out for awhile) BUT...1-2 might be helpful, especially, ideally, if they work with skinnies and flares. I do not even know what I am looking for but I guess I need to figure that out...
5) Casual Tennies
I still wear my long loved Converse quite often, they are my go-to casual shoe since they are very broken in and very comfortable. However, broken in also means no longer real clean or nice looking so I've been branching out to nicer (cleaner) tennis shoes too. I've lately decided to stop wearing these types of shoes with non-no show socks because the youths like high socks whereas in my day, you always had to pretend you weren't wearing them (in my high school days the knee highs were very much a thing but in my adult life, the last 10ish years especially, it was all no-show socks). ANYWAYS, I've discovered that wearing my, still low cut, white running socks with my nicer tennis shoes also helps prevent rubbing and thus blisters so that has been a big plus as well. This was not supposed to be about socks BUT about these very cute shoes I bought from Walmart for $20. Janssen from Everyday Reading talked about them multiple times but I wasn't sold until I saw my sister wearing them (she also reads Everyday Reading) and then I almost immediately ordered myself a pair too. I get to "plan" for these since I didn't buy them into well into fall and I'm just really late writing this list...but I do think they help update my skinny jeans when I wear this type of shoe AND they work with flares too. That's the versatility I need in my wardrobe...
I think that's it? I've been doing much better at sticking to my lists than I was in the beginning and I was just also realizing just how much clothes I already own so I am not super compelled to buy a bunch more. BUT...I feel like I could also do A LOT of work, shopping, browsing, etc. to update my whole wardrobe but do I really WANT to do that?? Not particularly. But maybe I will someday!
Fall 2019Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
Spring 2017
Fall 2016
Spring 2016