Monday, May 1, 2017

{6} Margarita Options for Cinco

Friday is Cinco de Mayo which I gather is a fairly important day for Mexico (Wikipedia taught me it is NOT their "4th of July", that's in September.).  To most Americans, it's a reason to eat Mexican food (yum) and drink margaritas (double yum).  Which is how we celebrate a culture that we have no connection to.  I certainly would not be offended to find out other countries celebrate the 4th of July with burgers, brats, and American beer.  Actually, I would find that hilarious and awesome. For any international readers, here is what we ate last year on the 4th of July and I consider it a pretty perfect "All-American" spread:

Burgers, barbecue chips, corn on the cob, fresh blueberries, fresh watermelon.  (And a Long Island iced tea for me.)  It was delicious. 

I've posted many margarita recipes here on the blog over the last 3 summers of Mixed Drink Mondays and I'm sure I'll have more to add this year (I've been stocking recipes since last summer!).  Here are some options to keep you from going margarita-less this Friday!  That would just be tragic (unless you are underage, then alcohol is disgusting and you should not be drinking it.)
(one of my all time favorites of this whole project, some 60 drinks later!)
(maybe the most made of all of these)
