Thursday, December 30, 2021

Looking back at December

December has been a pretty happy, cheerful month!  There were just so many delightful activities to take part in, lots of celebrating and eating cookies and wrapping and watching Christmas movies/tv shows/etc.  That is partly influenced by it being this blissful week between Christmas and New Years when we aren't doing much besides relaxing but most of December was pretty fun and festive too (Matt might disagree with that and point out there were a few days, heavy food prep days, when I was particularly stressed, but I always forget those and just remember the joy).  (Also, the last 7 days of school were pretty intense with needing to take a lot of things in and Luke needing to be picked up at FIVE different times for the 7 days...but we got through it!)

Looking back:
1 year ago: Christmas Media to Consume
2 years ago: Cran-Apple Sangria
3 years ago: What I Hope my Boys Remember about Christmas
4 years ago: {12} Christmas Hacks (of sorts)
5 years ago: {5} Reasons I Don't Run in the Winter
6 years ago: Adorable Wooden Christmas Trees
7 years ago: Mixed Drink Monday: Caramel Apple Cider
8 years ago:
Raspberry Coconut Layer Bars (the only new treat I found that even comes close for Matt to his love of cutout sugar cookies)
9 years ago: Things I Like - December (I still own some of these!)
11 years ago: Stairs are (almost) done!
12 years ago:
Long Thanksgiving Weekend!

1) Hanging lights around the porch windows - my least favorite Christmas task but I like the effect so I keep doing it! (Photo by Sam)
2) Backyard sunset!
3) Snowflakes with porch lights!  See, porch lights are pretty.  They'll be up and turning on through February!
4) Felt balls from Etsy to make a new garland!  Took 2 tries at stringing and then some spacing figuring out but pleased with the final look!
5) I ran so I get peach sorbet.  Highly motivating in getting me to run!
6) Attending the Philharmonic Holiday Pops concert to fill in for my Dad who wasn't feeling well.  It was festive and fun to have time with my Mom!
7) The last day of school before Christmas, eating my lunch (soup) while watching American Dreams Christmas episode!
8) I got permission to decorate at work.  Naturally this meant a lot of bottle brush trees.
9) We put solar twinkle lights on the playhouse and it's so fun, especially since the string lights are down for the winter!
10) Running through alleys downtown when we went to walk around and see the lights!
11) Santa, a classic, we visit it often in December.
12) And the wreath, Sam's right under it, it's very big!
13) The Christmas tree! 
14) A tiny bit of quiet time before the boys woke up to drink my tea and catch up my bullet journal.
15) Christmas morning!  I cropped out the mess on the floor, I am never more tolerant of messes than on Christmas morning.
16) Snow!  A few days after Christmas we got our first snowfall for the year.  The boys were THRILLED and played outside a whole 45 minutes (this is a record for Sam).  Even though there wasn't enough snow to cover the grass.

Books finished: the month isn't over but I'm assuming I'm going to hit my goal which mean I'll have finished...23 books this month.  Yes, that's a little crazy.  I did expand my goal by 5 mid-December when I realized I was going to have to start reading really slow if I didn't. 
Miles ran:
2!  My first December miles EVER (at least since maybe inside miles in 1997, as conditioning for my single year of high school track).  Getting those first December miles were my main reason for dragging the jogging stroller back out of the attic when we had a surprise 55° day in mid-December!
Currently watching:
We have started on all the Marvel shows and new movies on Disney+, just a few episodes into WandaVision and it's...weird.  Don't get it yet. 
Most read post this month:
Luke's current favorite Christmas song:
"Jingle Bell Rock" by Bobby Helms
Sam's current favorite Christmas song: Direct quote: "I like 'shut up and flamingo", is that a Christmas song?".  I finally got him to sing regular "Jingle Bells" so we're going with that. 

I hope your December was festive and fun! 

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