Monday, August 27, 2018

Mixed Drink Monday: Peach Long Island Ice Tea

I was really hoping that when I made these I would have some nice prop peaches to use in the pictures.  You can tell that I did not.  There is lime juice in these which makes the limes very appropriate (I go through so many prop limes in the summer and then they all become one of these delicious mixes) but it also makes me think these are margaritas, which they are not.  (Have I made a peach margarita?  I had to look but, yes, of course.  I've made every flavor of margarita at this point.  Except watermelon margaritas which I am just assuming is gross because watermelon is mostly gross.  Just drink water!  It's more refreshing and less sugar than eating watermelon.)

I don't remember why I didn't have peaches for these pictures.  Knowing myself, as I do, they probably weren't on sale and so I didn't buy any.  Even though that hasn't stopped me when it's come to prop limes or prop lemons or prop pineapples (although I really do try to wait for sales).  Also, I LOVE fresh peaches.  I have little patience though for letting them sit on my counter in a paper bag, waiting for them to ripen.  I have had very few good, juice, perfectly sweet grocery store peaches, maybe because the waiting for them to ripen stage is just too stressful.  I'm worried about missing that one day of perfect flavor.

I think I just figured out why I don't buy many peaches.  Thank you, dear readers, for letting me work that out with you.

So, Peach Long Island Iced Tea.  It's a very subtle peach flavor, not as fruity as these.  But still a nice addition.  These weren't too strong (I am always so worried about my drinks being too strong) and were nice and refreshing after a long Saturday of watching Matt work on Luke's playhouse. 

You'll also notice that there are TWO drinks.  For once I made one for Matt.  I usually don't think to ask because he is happy with beer.  But sometimes I do and then he gets a special drink too. 

These were quick to mix up since you don't need any fresh fruit so aren't at the mercy of grocery store sales.  I had everything on hand which was super exciting!  Thank you, peach long island iced tea, for helping me stick to my grocery budget!

One year ago: DIY Margarita Mix
Two years ago:
Hawaiian Lava Flow
Three years ago:
Homemade Strawberry Wine Coolers Four years ago: Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri & Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade

Peach Long Island Iced Tea
yield: one serving
-2 TB vodka
-2 TB rum
-2 TB peach schnapps
-sweet & sour mix
-cranberry juice (I used a cranberry-pineapple juice mix because it's what I had)

Measure the vodka, rum, and schnapps into a glass.  Fill halfway with sweet & sour mix.  Top off with ice and cranberry juice.  Stir and enjoy!

Source: best I could find was this pin, slightly modified. 

In the summer I aim to make a new drink every week and share them all here, good or bad!  See them all in chronological order by following the "Mixed Drink Monday" tag here or check out my favorites by scrolling down to "Mixed Drink Monday" on my recipes page

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