Thursday, May 4, 2023

Looking Back at April 2023

April felt like the longest month but mostly in a good way (not in any way related to homework or teachers throwing new projects at kids post spring break.  NOBODY HAS ENERGY FOR THAT.).  I was looking at pictures on my phone mid-month and was like "holy moly, that day we threw a double birthday party was less than a month ago.  How and how??!?!?!?".  We had our spring break trip to Chicago, Easter, all the things blooming, cleaning up the yard, burning a lot of things (on purpose), back to the zoo, back to running (at least more regularly than in March), two bike rides downtown, a date, and lots of time at home.

It was a full month but the occasional good weather and all the things blooming made it nice!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Travel: 40 Hours in Saint Louis (wow...I got spring break travel up MUCH faster last year.)
2 years ago: Book Love: Our Darkest Night by Jennifer Robson
3 years ago: Painting the FINAL Kitchen Cupboard (I still vividly remember doing this on Good Friday 2020)
4 years ago: {12} Picture Books Perfect for Bedtime
5 years ago: A Star Wars/Lego/Superhero Party
6 years ago: Pineapple Crush (these are so fun to make)
7 years ago: Homemade Burb Cloths (7 year ago I never imagined the place these would have in my life)
8 years ago:
Perfect (and easy) Cinnamon Rolls (there are some of these in my freezer right now!)
9 years ago: Things I Like - April (I still have and frequently use FOUR of these)
10 years ago:
Things I Like - April (NYC edition)
11 years ago:
Frustrating but then Uplifting ( adoption wait being strange)

1) The Bean!  More will be coming about our Chicago trip, eventually. 
2) We came home to blooming hyacinths and Sam was SO EXCITED to show me.
3) Gorgeous sunset when leaving church during the Triduum.
4) Dying eggs on Holy Saturday.  They all ended up going to the pigs but had fun doing them!
5) My tulips I bought myself.  Since the squirrels ate all my bulbs outside (years ago).
6) Building my Easter set on Easter morning.  Legos for all! (Except Matt.  He got a saw.)
7) Hyacinths downtown on our Easter Monday bike ride!
8) Daffodils at home!  Every things bloomed in April!
9) Coloring with Sam on a sunny morning.
10) Beer around the fire when burning all sorts of cardboard we had been storing all winter (greasy pizza boxes and the like that we can't recycle.)
11) More blooming trees!
12) And more Legos!  Flowers this time!
13) Reading on the porch.  We've been able to be in there most of the month!
14) Coming home from school drop-off with the sun hitting the redbud just right!
15) Back at the zoo with Sam.  It's always fun to see what changed over the winter.
16) And The Landing on a date with Matt on a Saturday morning!  We did this one last year too and enjoyed it so much I worked it into the schedule for this year too.

Books finished: 15.  My best month this year!
Miles ran:
15.65, also my best month this year (not saying much)!
Currently watching:
We watched Shrinking and the latest season of The Mandalorian.  We are nearly caught up on Ted Lasso but then our free months expired and we need to renew it for the rest of this season.  Plus I am only a few episodes behind The Office Ladies!
Most read post this month: Mixed Drink Monday: Fizzy Flamingo followed by March Reading Recap
Luke's current favorite song:
"Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns n' Roses
Sam's current favorite song: He keeps replaying "Unstoppable God" by Sanctus Real on my phone.

May brings our anniversary, Mother's Day, and the end of the school year!

I have some REAL feelings about Sam, my baby, starting kindergarten in the fall.  A LOT of feelings, mainly sad ones.  Something has to give for the next 3+ months until that fateful day and that is mostly going to be the blog.  I still plan to write some because I really do enjoy it but I also want to be off my computer more for these last weeks with just Sam and then over the summer with both boys.  It goes SO. DANG. FAST. I plan to be back to posting regularly once school starts up again.  But I am in no way excited about August.  It's going to be a rough and strange transition. 

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