Thursday, May 11, 2023

Spring/Summer 2023 Shopping List

My shopping feels very different from when I started doing these posts 7 years ago.  Back then I was building up my wardrobe.  I "dressed up" more than I do now.  Covid really had me start dressing more casually and that stuck around.  I don't have many holes to fill anymore, more about just buying a few pieces each season.  I don't rely on these lists like I did back then BUT I do still appreciate the consideration into what holes I might have, what might need replaced, and keeping my overall spending in check.  That is also helped by our allowances which have been going strong for 8 years.  So the purpose of this exercise has changed a bit but overall, they still do have a purpose.  Also, I find it fascinating to see what my spending and buying was like over the years!

Checking in on last fall's list...

1) A sparkly top
I had this one purchased before I even wrote the last list.  I'd still like a non-sparkly grey sweater but it is fun to have something sparkly!

2) 2ish Sweaters
I did buy exactly 2 sweaters.  Are they a very similar shade of blue?  Yes.  Did I really need two? No.  But I still wore them A LOT.

3) Another crewneck sweatshirt
Yep, had already bought this before my list and then also wore it a lot.  Also received one as a Christmas gift (from Matt) that I don't have to count on this list (my rules) but that I wore even more.  I wear sweatshirts CONSTANTLY in the fall/winter/early spring.  Daily.

4) Casual Boots
Bought these, wore them constantly and then when my sister alerted me that they were on clearance I bought a second pair for when the first wears out.  I regret NOTHING.  Although I am not counting the second as a bonus items since EVENTUALLY it will be a replacement.

5) Something to wear for Christmas Mass
Kept the green skirt that I mentioned in the original post and DID wear it for Christmas mass!  And that was the sole time I wore it however there is a good chance I will wear it again this Christmas!

6) That Elusive Raincoat
I think I finally, maybe, picked one out.  Maybe.  But then I bought other things and now have no room in my budget for it for now.  But maybe sometime this year!


Only three extras!  A Christmas long sleeved tee (Kohls), a new pair of jeans (Old Navy rockstars), and a purse that I've really used a lot (Target). 

I've decided I'm not counting spirit wear type of things here (of which I bought two this winter) because that's not so much filling a wardrobe hole or a shopping impulse but more a support of my kid or whatever.

Now, Spring/Summer 2023 Plan!

1) Rain coat
Will I finally do this?  It's supposed to rain tomorrow and I keep thinking how nice it would be to own one...I'm sure I'd wear one a lot, if I had one...

2) 2ish tank tops
It's just inevitable, I will buy SOME.  (This one is J Crew Factory and it is in my dresser.)

3) 2ish dresses
I always buy at least one new dress a summer, for church, dates, work, etc.  Have I already bought these two? Yes. (green Target, teal J Crew Factory)

4) 2ish t-shirts
Have I already bought one?  Yes. 

That might be it???  I can't even really think of anything in my closet that needs replaced and I have a pretty good supply of tanks and t-shirts that I am happy with!  It's just that elusive rain coat which I need to just suck up and buy at some point!  

If you make a clothes shopping list for the season I'd love to hear about it!

Fall 2022
Spring 2022

Fall 2021
Spring 2021

Fall 2020
Spring 2020

Fall 2019
Spring 2019

Fall 2018
Spring 2018

Fall 2017
Spring 2017

Fall 2016
Spring 2016

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