Thursday, July 7, 2022

Looking Back at June 2022

First full month of summer is done!  It was a bit of a whirlwind with 3 hotel stays, 1 camping trip and 3 good family adventures all in the first 20 days.  Now we are settling a bit into something of a routine which I, personally, hope involves more reading time for me by the inflatable backyard pool while the boys happily play together (a Mom can, and does, dream).  Here's what we've been up to!

Looking back:
1 year ago: Vacation Ponderings
2 years ago: Mixed Drink Monday: Pineapple Sunset Cocktail
3 years ago: Patriotic Kabobs
4 years ago: New York City #4 - day 3
5 years ago: ICOTW: Homemade Chipwich
6 years ago: ICOTW: Raspberry Crisp Ice Cream
7 years ago: Why Not Add Another Gallery Wall?
8 years ago: Bathroom Update: Tub, Walls, and Floor!!

9 years ago: Food DIY - Taco Seasoning (still use this recipe!)
10 years ago:
Big Day in London - 1


 1) Our first hotel continental breakfast for the month AND drinking tea during the Queen's Jubilee celebrations!
2) Kings Island!  Matt & I went many years together though college and into our early marriage as well as a few trips with my family when I was younger. I have such fond memories of the place!  We took Luke 5 years ago and were overdue for another trip, it was SO MUCH FUN.  And I got to, briefly, see a college friend!
3) When I went at the age of 5 my favorite things were the Eiffel Tower and the Scrappy Slide.  The slide is no longer there but we go up in the Eiffel Tower every time!  This side shows the Diamondback (our favorite roller coaster that Luke was tall enough for!) and a large part of kiddie land (where Sam spent most of his time).
4) The sunset driving home from Kings Island, I sent this to my sister who would be traveling this same road, in the opposite direction, about 10 hours later!
5) Canoeing on the Pigeon with very high waters and very fast current.  We were home before we were on the river long enough to be exhausted!
6) Ice cream in the backyard.  I need to make more ice cream.
7) The boys huddled in the backyard under umbrellas in the rain.  A rare moment of getting along!
8) Strawberries!  Went picking with my BFF and ended up with 12lbs!
9) Loving the golden light with my flowers that are actually still doing rather well!
10) Tie-dying on drywall shortly before our big trip!  I was DELIGHTED that this all came together in time!
11) Early morning reading on the porch with the windows open, before the boys are awake.  It doesn't happen every morning (and I've been hiding in the AC lately) but I love it when it does!
12) THIRD adventure for the summer - Niagara Falls!  Matt didn't think he had ever been and I hadn't in almost 30 years.  We put 5 hours on the parking meter and fit in quite a bit, including attending Saturday night Mass!  It was fun.
13) Navigating through Maine with my journal, plans, and tea!  It was the RARE trip where nothing was a dud and we got to everything on my plan besides one trail closed for nesting birds! 
14) Acadia looking very Acadia-y.  I will DEFINITELY have A LOT more to say about this trip once I finish the pictures.  Short version: it was all incredible.
15) Replanting some flowers in the raised beds post vacation.  Rabbits kept getting to them (they didn't at all last year!) and I still wanted flowers!  We'll see what happens.
16) And a baseball game to almost finish out the month!  Watched very little baseball but still a fun evening!

Books finished: 12
Miles ran:
45.7 miles
Currently watching:
The Right Stuff, about the Mercury astronauts.  We needed something much more normal after Moon Knight (which was horrible).  Next up is Stranger Things season 4 although I am a bit concerned with how scary I've heard it is! (I watch it solely for the 80s nostalgia)
Most read post this month: The Fizzy Flamingo!
Luke's current favorite song:
"Bad Boys" by Inner Circle
Sam's current favorite song: "Kids" by MGMT (We listened to this SO MANY TIME on vacation.)

July has already brought the 4th of July, getting a long pending project off our to-do list, my birthday, a camping trip, and soaking in one final, FULL, month of summer!  We are in, no way, ready for August!

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