Monday, August 19, 2024

Mixed Drink Monday: Throwback Week 13

Can we stop starting school before mid-August, please???  Having nearly 2 weeks of school in already is just not fun.  School can have all of May if I could just get a little more of August, please!  The weather is nearly always hotter in August than May anyways.  I suppose if I really want a change I should do more than complain on the internet in a post about mixed drinks.  Not that making my feelings known to school would necessarily change much.  I'm sure they have their reasons for starting so early...whatever they are...

Week 1!
Week 2!

Week 3!
Week 4!
Week 5!
Week 6!
Week 7!
Week 8!
Week 9!
Week 10!
Week 11!
Week 12!

I included the ingredients below for planning purposes but click through for the recipes.

Tropical Painkiller, published August 19, 2019

-2 ounces rum (coconut if you have it, which I did)
-3 ounces coconut milk from the refrigerator section
-6 ounces pineapple juice
-6 ounces orange juice

DIY Sweet & Sour Mix, published August 13, 2018

-1½ cups water
-1½ cups sugar
-1 cup fresh lemon juice
-1 cup fresh lime juice

Hurricane, published August 14, 2017

-2 parts rum (I used coconut)
-2 parts pineapple juice
-1 part Triple Sec
-splash of grenadine

Blackberry Rum Fizz, published August 17, 2015

Blackberry Syrup
-6 ounces blackberries (fresh or frozen)
-1/2 cup sugar
-1/2 cup water

-2 ounces (1/4 cup) rum
-6 ounces (3/4 cup) sparkling water
-2 TB blackberry syrup

I very specifically remember drinking these on our trip to Gulf Shores, a few weeks after this published!  Back when we specifically took trips during the school year since we didn't have a kid in school yet!  Took advantage of less crowds and lower prices while we could!

Coconut Peach Lemonade, published August 18, 2014

-1 heaping TB honey
-1 cup coconut water
-1 ripe peach, pit removed
-1/4 cup lemon juice


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