Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Day in the Life #12 (Luke 7, Sam 2)

I was determined to do this for a quarantine homeschool day, then I realized we are running out of quarantine homeschool days (for now!  I'm about 60% convinced we'll be doing this again in the fall although nothing has been determined or announced).  So, my lack-luster tracking of this day is going to have to do!

Thursday, May 14th
5:35am - Up, make the bed, downstairs to see Matt off (I have this timed out perfectly, especially since his commute is shorter with so much less traffic), change into workout clothes.  VERY tired and so I read for awhile, a book on my phone, before I wake up enough to workout.
6:25am - Workout, drink 24 ounces of water.  It's crazy that I can open (some) blinds before working out, the sun is coming up so early (and I LOVE it!). Listen to From the Front Porch podcast.

7:10am - Shower, get dressed and around.  Finish From the Front Porch, listen to a bit of Office Ladies.
7:40am - Had my tea prepping while I finished getting around so I take that, a biscuit (that I keep pretty regularly in the kitchen, need to blog about those), and my water to get in some work.  Turn on Mamma Mia which I've been slowly working through this week.  I've seen it ~10 times but I still keep getting distracted from working to watch it.  Work also, I never get to what I had intended to do, other people had requests that needed addressed.

8:30am - Boys are awake and downstairs.  Luke has insisted that he get Sam up every day so my first hint that they are awake is usually Sam saying (over the baby monitor) "Luke! Get me up Luke!".  They come down and I give them hugs.  Then they get distracted by some big machinery in front of our house and I get in a little more work even though I had to turn off Mamma Mia with 5 minutes to go in the movie.
8:55am - Stop working, charge laptop since we'll be using it shortly to Facetime school with my Mom.  Change Sam and get breakfast for all.  Clean-up from breakfast and do dishes that I had left in the sink overnight, I rarely do this but it was late enough getting to bed, I had no energy for dishes.

9:40am - Read books with the boys.  We only do a few because I'm anxious to get to that last day of school.   The boys cooperate very well, there is no fighting today!
10:10am - Get Luke started on his morning math/reading page while I pull the rest of his worksheets.
10:35am - Facetime with my Mom, she does phonics with Luke.  I dust downstairs with a Sam right next to me "I help you, Mom!".  When did he get old enough to speak in full sentences???

11:15am - I talk to my Mom for a bit when they are done with Luke's worksheet and Luke escapes outside, between rainstorms.  Sam insists on joining him.  I get them back inside.  Listen to Luke read in his reader and then take a break for him to do a math worksheet while I work on updating my letterboard for his "last day of school pictures".  Luke has opinions on what it should say and Sam wants to "help" too.  Then back to listening to Luke read and give him a comprehension test while finishing my letterboard.
1:00pm - Lunch is late today but we were working on school!  Luke does a little more math worksheet while I prep lunch and then we eat outside to celebrate.  Also a little break in the rain and the boys are always happy for outside eating.  All that orange are (Aldi) cheetos because we are celebrating the end of the school year.  Also, it's quarantine and life is weird and so we have been eating more chips/cheetos to help soothe kids from not seeing cousins and friends.  Cheetos do not make that up but they are something special.

1:40pm - Luke stays outside, I take Sam up to bed and tuck him in.  He is tired and doesn't even ask for a book.  Since Luke is still outside, I finish the last 5 minutes of Mamma Mia and then clean up Sam's toy mess.  I KNOW I should have the boys do this, but they also know I can't tolerate much mess and will pick it up.  We need to work on that.

2:10pm - It's raining so Luke is inside and I have him work on his spelling word word search.  I read on the porch via my phone.  Can the library PLEASE let us pick-up our holds soon? (note: between when I wrote this and when it posts we are able to!)  Luke eventually comes to the porch to get some help and I help him with math and word search between reading.  Eventually check Instagram.  Also, my texts have been crazy this day, everyone is feeling chatty.

3:55pm - Off the porch, start working on this post but also texting my boss.  Checking e-mail, checked Facebook.
4:55pm - I give Luke his spelling test to FINISH his quarantine homeschool.  It's very exciting.  Also pacing back and forth while I do this to squeak in a few more steps.
5:20pm - My sister stops by to drop off a few things and we visit with her (from a distance) and then go out to her van to say hi to her kids who we haven't seen in person in 2 months.  Luke is especially excited about this and it is nice to see people, even in a slight drizzle.
5:45pm - I work some more, mostly paying bills and writing checks.  Matt takes the boys to the basement while I do this since it's raining.  I also sneak in watching some The Office season 2 on my desktop while working on my work laptop.
7:00pm - I am done working and we eat supper together, Chinese leftovers that Matt had warmed up.  We had to try a new place since the THREE we've tried before are all closed, it tasted good but didn't settle in my stomach well.
7:40pm - I give the boys quick showers and then wash my face and brush my teeth.  Get clothes out for myself and them for the next morning and prep upstairs for bedtime - closing blinds, turning on fans, etc.  We say prayers as a family and then Matt takes Sam up to bed while I read with Luke, sending Luke up when we are done.  I procrastinate doing bills by checking Instagram, which I try not to do by 8pm but I'm tired and give in.
9:00pm - I sit down at my computer to "do bills", entering all the charges we've made in the past week (not many), checking our credit card activity, scheduling a payment for our jet ski insurance.  Listen to podcasts while I work.  Check our budget to see how we are doing on items like grocery (that spending has been all over the place in the past 2 months).  Turn off computer, refill water bottle, set FitBit to charge, and head upstairs!
10:30pm - In bed and read before lights off, later than I would have preferred but Matt's off the following day and so we don't have to be up so early.  Yay!

When I last did one of these about 6 months ago I wrote about how I liked to do them to see how life changes even when it doesn't feel like it is.  Well, life has certainly felt like it has changed (because it has) and I still life doing these!  I think I say this every time but I highly encourage the process of tracking where your time goes, just as a way to see what life was like at different stages, especially as kids grow.  Life is always changing, even if it doesn't feel like it.

Day in the Life 1 - November 2013 (Luke 7½ months)
Day in the Life 2 - June 2014 (Luke 14 months)
Day in the Life 3 - November 2014 (Luke 20 months)
Day in the Life 4 - January 2016 (Luke 2 ¾)
Day in the Life 5 - July 2016 (Luke 3 ¼)
Day in the Life 6 - January 2017 (Luke 3¾)
Day in the Life 7 - October 2017 (Luke 4½)
Day in the Life 8 - April 2018 (Luke 5, Sam 2 months)
Day in the Life 9 - November 2018 (Luke 5½, Sam 8 months)
Day in the Life 10 - May 2019 (Luke 6, Sam 14 months)
Day in the Life 11 - November 2019 (Luke 6½, Sam 1½)

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