Well, the moment of truth. I do not feel like this was my best year on this. When I wrote this list last January I didn't know my husband would be going back to school in the fall which realllllllllly reduced the amount of time he had to help me with projects (putting it at basically zero). So I can blame part of this on that! But some of it was me too and how behind I got on so many things over the summer that took me basically a lot of fall to catch up on! I don't know my grade yet, let's see how it went!
1) Reorganize bottom of basement stairs (100%)
This was one big project Matt finished before school started. It's such an improvement over the decade+ mess that was there before.
2) Paint kitchen cabinets (5%)
I picked out a color for the lower and did test swatches. So I got that far. Matt has 2 weeks off between semesters in the spring and I am really pushing this to get done then (and maybe hiring a nephew to help me prep them so Matt just has to help with the painting and.....)
3) Replace kitchen hardware (0%)
And help with this too. See, I have really been pushing for hidden hinges, on the inside. Which has taken A LOT to work to source and we still don't have it all figured out. We have an old house and the cabinets may be original, around 90 years old. It's not an easy thing to find the right interior hinges for those!
That was a early one I knocked off and have mostly maintained it! (This was largely helped my relocating where we display kid art.)
5) Replace bathroom light (0%)
This has turned into just re-wiring the current one but it's another one that didn't happen (I blame school).
6) Make flamingo pillow covers (100%)
Did this and they are delightful although currently packed away for winter.
7) Do a thorough clean-out of a significant area once a month (100%)
I did do a lot of simplifying and even more decluttering in 2023, finishing the "declutter 1000 things" challenge I was doing with two of my sisters (finished that on New Years Eve) so I'm calling it a win.
8) Replace string light timer (100%)
Yep, did this over the summer.
9) Make another raised garden bed (100%)
One that lingered on the list for 2 years but did happen! I am bit surprised by that! We worked on this the first two days the boys were off school for the summer and then planted pumpkins which were a delight to watch grow!10) Plant a vegetable that we will eat (100%)
We planted green beans which we ate some of and carrots which we ate zero of. And tomatoes which Matt ate some of but I mostly gave to my sister for her to use in her canning.
11) Plant dahlias (100%)
I PLANTED them. They never grew (just like all our sunflowers) but I did plant them. I will try again.
I should amend that to "have people over 6 times" and then I could count the boys' birthday party but...that's not what I wrote. 5 times is still more than many other years!
13) Bake with boys once a month (100%)
I intended this to be more "teach the boys to bake something once a month" but really was just what I wrote...baking with them once a month, mostly Sam because Luke had little interest. But Sam & I baked every month!
Easily at least once a month. I love an excuse to eat out (or, mostly, pick-up food and eat at home).
15) Farmers market 4 times (100%)
Yes! Only once to the outdoors market but Sam & I hit the indoor ones 3 times, once with Luke too!
16) Go on 10 dates (100%)
At least 10, counting got weird once boys were in school and Matt still had his day off every week. We'd usually go out for lunch or breakfast every other week or so on those days.
17) Finish 5 photobooks (San Antonio, 2022, Sam, Luke, 2023 vacation) (100%)
I finished SEVEN! San Antonio (went in fall 2022), 2022 Sam, Luke, 2023 vacation to Cocoa Beach, 2023 trip to Chicago, and 2023 trip to Cuyahoga. Catching up on photobooks was a BIG project once the boys were in school. I have one page left in our 2023 book right now and am working on December for both boys. I'm MUCH more on top of them now.
18) Read Rose Code by Kate Quinn (100%)
Did this in the fall, it was a fantastic read and I'm glad I didn't kick it off my TBR for being long.
19) Make packing lists (100%)
Yep, did that and use them. Have one for hotels, one for our KOA deluxe cabins, one for Jellystone rustic cabins, and one for Air BnBs (largely similar but each place needs slightly different things!)
20) Systemize keeping quotes from the boys (50%)
I still never copied quote off Twitter which is where I documented a lot of the funny things Luke said when he was 2-3ish. I should do that.
21) Art books (40%)
I haven't touched these in months. 2024 will be the year!
YES! I intended to try it first for just us and some family but then I started a green club at school and the principal suggested we bump this one up so we did and got 104 pairs! That was A LOT of shoes but felt so good to have it done!
23) Project at Luke's School (50%)
Actually, there is quite a bit of momentum going on this right now, things picked up right after Thanksgiving. I really want to reduce waste and make things more sustainable and green there...it's just been slow progress. BUT there IS progress. Baby steps are still steps.
Final score...79.49%. Those cabinets were a bit of a grade killer. My worst grade since pre-pandemic! But...still got some things done and, with Matt in school ALL YEAR, maybe I'll make a list for 2024 that needs his help less! Hah. Still feel good about what I got done and will try to do better (or make an easier list...) next year!
1st quarter update
2nd quarter update
3rd quarter update
20 in 2020 | How I Did (85.75%)
21 in 2021 | How I Did (89.5%)
22 in 2022 | How I Did (86.4%)
23 in 2023 | How I Did (79.49%)